Pushkin College was set up in Shenyang Institute of Technology

Release time:2019-03-08Source of articles:Browse times:

On Nov. 24th, Pushkin College was officially inaugurated in our university, which is jointly established by our university and South Ural State University, Russia. Ms.Liudmila Ivanovna, Director ofInternationalRelations andForeignRegionalTeaching andResearchOffice of South UralState UniversityandMs.Yatwejia Leonidovna, Dean of Pushkin College ofSouthUralState Universityvisited our university and attended the opening ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, President Li Kangju saidSino-Russia economic, trade, scientific and technological cooperation enjoys a broad prospect and needs more outstanding young talentsto devote themselves to it. The establishment of Pushkin Collegewillbuilda golden bridge of communication and learning between the two sides in culture, language and other aspects. The establishmentofPushkin College isamilestoneof cooperation between two universities. We do cherish this opportunity of cooperation and hope expand the field of education cooperation between China and Russia, deepen the exchanges between teachers and students and academic exchanges between the two sides. We hope that on the basis of the friendly diplomatic relations between China and Russia, education cooperation between China and Russia can achieve win-win situation in more fields.

President Li Kangjualsosaid,both sidessigned agreement in Russia from Nov. 11thto now, in just two weeks,the opening ceremonyisheld successfully, which shows the efforts and efficiency of both sides. With the excellent teams in administration and skills, I firmly believed that Pushkin College will be able to make important contribution between the two universities in the future.

Ms.YatwijiaLeonidovna said the establishment ofPushkinCollege ofShenyangInstitute ofTechnology will be the beginning offruitfulcooperation between the twouniversitiesin the field of Russianlanguage studyingand teacherstraining. In particular,South Ural State Universitywilldevelopcompetition and activity programs forShenyang Institute of Technology, andalso willprovided a Russian training program in digital technology and industry 4.0 in combination with the advantageousspecialtiesofShenyangInstitute ofTechnology.

It is reported thatSouthUralState Universityin Russia was rated as "national research university" in 2010, and was selected into the excellent university program of the Russian federation in 2015. It is one of the 10 most popular universities in Russia assessed by the education science department of the RussianFederation, and its comprehensive strength ranks among the top 10 universities in Russia. In 2018,SouthUralState University wasfunded and entrusted by theMinistry ofEducation andScience of RussianFederation,whichplans to establishPushkinCollege overseas. PushkinCollege aims to promote Russian education, carry out relevant teaching, scientific research and cultural activitiesas well as networkdistanceeducationand other activities.

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