SIT and Shenyang institute of engineering held education cooperation signing ceremony

Release time:2018-05-09Source of articles:Browse times:

On May 7, shenyang engineering college President rui young miao, vice President of Song Jixin line 6 people visit our school attend education cooperation signing ceremony, the two sides signed the shenyang institute of engineering, shenyang institute of technology strategic cooperation framework agreement "and" shenyang engineering college teachers and students in shenyang institute of engineering training program agreement ", the move formally unveil a new chapter in high level education cooperation between the two schools. President of our school li kangju, party organization director Chen gang, vice President shao yu and other officials attended the signing ceremony.

At the ceremony, li kangju, on behalf of the school, extended a warm welcome to President rui and his delegation. He pointed out that shenyang institute of engineering has a solid foundation and a high reputation in the power system. The cross-school study between the two schools is a good way to strengthen the construction of learning style and promote the growth of students, which will help promote the sharing of high-quality education resources and improve the quality of talent training. At the same time, the two sides will also make full use of each other of high quality teaching resources as the two schools provide better teaching and scientific research platform, realize the win-win cooperation between colleges and universities, the two schools of cooperation not only meet the needs of the development of both sides, and puts forward enhancing university-enterprise cooperation alliance, our province department of education to promote the reform spirit of the specific implementation of the supply side.

Chen gang pointed out in his speech that shenyang institute of engineering is one of the best universities of applied technology in our province with strong educational strength. The experience of its transformation and development is worth learning from all the universities of the same type.

Rui they fully recognized the signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement for the two schools to carry out the important significance of education cooperation, he said the two schools are highly consistent school-running idea and school-running orientation, with the transformation of liaoning province development scheme, the two sides should hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, to strengthen the education resource sharing and realize the complementary advantages, mutual produce fruitful results of talent training. Shenyang institute of engineering is the leading school of liaoning province energy and power industry school-enterprise alliance. It has signed comprehensive strategic cooperation framework agreements with central enterprises such as state power investment corporation, liaoshen area and large state-owned enterprises such as liaoshen resident in shenyang, and has a good campus practice base. The university is willing to open these resources to the teachers and students of shenyang institute of technology to promote the development of electricity major of shenyang institute of technology. It is also hoped that teachers and students of the school of engineering will take advantage of the advantages of shenyang institute of technology in intelligent manufacturing direction to improve their own educational level.

The two schools have identified computer science and technology, software engineering, Internet of things engineering, automation, electrical engineering, automation and other majors as candidates for cross-school credits. Our school will send outstanding students to shenyang institute of engineering to study all courses of related majors for one semester or one year. Students studying in shenyang institute of engineering can be replaced by credits. In addition, based on the two schools of applied talents training, the teachers will be in the depth of cooperation in the field of scientific research teaching, common, according to the teaching reform and research project research together, visiting to teachers, teacher training and so on as the means, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, make full use of the advantages of both, maximizing the advantage of resource utilization, improve together double the ability and level of teacher team construction, for the transformation of the two schools development, improve the quality of personnel training to lay a solid foundation.

During the visit, rui rootstocks line visited our school smart manufacturing training center and auto service training center, he fully affirmed the our school grades and distinctive characteristics, and said, will in future and our school hand in hand to accelerate the transformation of development, promote the development of liaoning education, music and training a new chapter!

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