Many automobile enterprises come to our school for recruitment

Release time:2020-06-05Source of articles:Browse times:

Recently, Shenyang Jinhuasheng Automobile Sales Co., LTD., Shenyang Jinbei Automobile Manufacturing Co., LTD., Shenyang New Century Automobile Trading Co., LTD., and many other automobile enterprises came to our school to recruit fresh graduates majoring in vehicle and marketing. Li Kangju, president of SIT, met with the heads of related companies and expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all companies for recruiting graduates of relevant majors in our university

During the meeting, Li Kangju introduced the training of application-oriented talents of our school to the guests. Speaking of Automobile Service Engineering major, Li Kangju said that SIT set up employment “order classes” relying on the school-enterprise alliance of the provincial automobile industry chain.Theuniversity now has a large-scale automobile training center among the three provinces in northeast China that integrates the front store, the back factory, the combined laboratory of theory and practice and the school-enterprise studio, as well as the provincial practical teaching platform.Wesuccessfully realized the seamless connection between personnel training and job requirements, laying a solid foundation for cultivating high-quality applied talents who can be engaged in automotive technical services, product marketing planning and evaluation, insurance claims and other automobile service work in the automobile market.

Qiu Yunhai, general manager of Shenyang Jinhuasheng Auto Sales Co., Ltd., said that Shenyang Institute of Technology has always been committed to training high-quality applied talents who are proficient in profession, strong in skills, cooperative and benevolent, and can work on the front lines of production, construction, management, and service. Mr. Qiu added that graduates meet the needs of enterprises in terms of comprehensive quality and professional counterparts. He hopes that through this school-enterprise strategic cooperation, the talent transmission channel can be further opened up and more high-quality applied talents can be provided for the development of enterprises

Subsequently, participants exchanged views on sharing advantageous resources and establishing internship and employment bases, with the purpose of serving local economic construction and promoting employment of graduates in Liaoning as the starting point. It is understood that a number of automobile enterprises come specially to our school to recruit graduates of relevant majors, which is expected to provide nearly 100 high-quality employment opportunities, further expanding the employment channels of relevant majors in our school, and improving the employment quality

-TranslationBasic Courses Department

President Li Kangju met with heads of automobile enterprises

Students majoring in automobile service engineering study in our school's automobile training center

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