SIT first south Korean culture festival

Release time:2017-10-31Source of articles:Browse times:


SIT first south Korean culture festival: October 19 - November 7

In order to let the students of our school feel the south Korean culture and understand Korean culture together; Promoting the exchange of students between the two countries and absorbing the excellent culture between the two countries; To strengthen our students' publicity and understanding of the exchange program in Korea, the international exchange center hereby holds a Korean culture festival.


1. Korean film festival

Free to watch South Korea's no. 1 tsunami disaster movie "the sea cloud platform".

The movie centers on a tourist resort in busan, South Korea, and a sudden tsunami devastate everyone's happiness.

South Korea food show

South Korea's obaroni has taught you all kinds of Korean delicacies, tasting Korean food.

Korean traditional culture experience festival

South Korea's oba and ernie are wearing Korean costumes to play Korea's famous traditional game, yuz game, game of play and four-game.

4. South Korean speech contest

There is no basis for Korean language registration. After the enrollment deadline, Korean students will be trained for one week. The first prize will be free for one semester of free exchange! Second prize shen gong customized charging treasure one. Third prize a shen gong to customize a fine notepad.

Time schedule for Korean culture festival:

Serial number activity time location

1 Korean film exhibition on October 19, 17:30 the banyan tree in the erudite pavilion

2 south Korean food show on October 24, 13:30pm - 16:30 canteen on the second floor

3 Korea traditional culture experience festival, October 31, 15:00-17:00, art show room 301

The south Korean speech contest begins on October 16

20 October deadline

November 7th official competition library 204

Group office: shenyang institute of technology international communication center

Registration address: erudite library 206

Telephone: 56618892

Contact person: Ms. Wu

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