SIT mask production workshop put into operation for the comprehensive resumption of school escort

Release time:2020-04-26Source of articles:Browse times:

SIT mask production workshop put into operation for the comprehensive resumption of school escort

SIT earnestly fulfills its social responsibility and actively helps prevent and control the epidemic. With the support and assistance of the management committee of Shenfu new district, we invested 5 million yuan to build a workshop producing 60,000 masks a day. At present, the workshop has been officially put into production.

The workshop covers an area of 700 square meters and is equipped with a 100,000 level sterile workshop and a fully automatic production line for face masks. A complete set of production line in equipment debugging, upgrading of production technology, production environment and mask process of microbial index detection, give full play to the mechanical manufacturing and automation major, automation and control major, biological engineering major as well as food quality and safety major. With major advantage, it ensures that the mask production quantity and the indicators qualification.

Our school has always adhered to the people-oriented school philosophy, in order to ensure the health of students, teachers and staff, we invest in the construction of mask production workshop after the resumption of school, according to the requirements of students, teachers and staff free of charge for the distribution of 2 masks, at the same time we will also donate masks to other schools to help our province smooth resumption of school. When Liaoning province resumes work and study, our school will actively carry out its social responsibility and mission, pay close attention to the key links of epidemic prevention and control, and make due contribution to the overall success of epidemic prevention and control in Liaoning province.

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