Growing together with the demonstration area -- Review and Prospect of the coordinated development of our school and ShenFu’s reform and Innovation Demonstration Area

Release time:2020-06-09Source of articles:Browse times:

An encouraging news came on June 2. April 28, 2020, with the approval of the editorial office of the Central Committee, it was agreed to establish the working committee of the Shenfu reform and innovation demonstration zone of the Liaoning Province and the Management Committee of the Shenfu reform and innovation demonstration zone which are the dispatched agencies of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government. We are very excited and confident in the future development as a university located in the demonstration area.

From Shenfu new area to today's Shenfu reform and innovation demonstration area, a number of reform and innovation initiatives have been implemented here, many leading enterprises have settled down, many major projects have been continuous started here, and the demonstration area is full of vitality, playing the clarion call of promoting comprehensive and all-round revitalization, and a grand view of the future city is slowly unfolding.

Atthe same time, Shenyang Institute of technology, as the only undergraduate college in the demonstration area, also grows with the demonstration area. In the past three years, the demonstration area has given our school huge support, built platforms and introduced resources, and the close degree of school local cooperation has been continuously improved. It has been approved as a provincial key laboratory, built a mask production line, achieved school enterprise cooperation with many enterprises in the District, and many well-known scholars came to school to make reports .Taking the express train in the demonstration area, our school has benefited a lot from its development as well as actively adjusts the professional settings for the six leading industries in the demonstration area, so as to provide precise and applicable talents for the development and construction of the demonstration area. School experts and scholars give full play to their own strengths to provide suggestions and intellectual support for the development of the demonstration area. Our school and the demonstration zone work together to create a better situation for the development.

The launch ceremony of science and technology activity week of Liaoning Province

and Shenfu New Area in 2018

Support: the demonstration area promotes the accelerateddevelopment of the school

Over the past three years, our school has made great progress and gained remarkable achievements in many aspects. These achievements can not be done without the strong support from the demonstration area. For many times, the leaders of the demonstration area visited the University to investigate and guide the development of the University, and establish a platform for communication and cooperation between our university and many enterprises .

On May 18, 2018, under the active efforts of Shenfu new area, the launch ceremony of the science and technology activity week of Liaoning Province and Shenfu new area was held in our school, which was jointly sponsored by the Provincial Department of science and technology, the Publicity Department of the provincial Party committee, the Provincial Association for science and technology, the Provincial Department of education, and the Management Committee of Shenfu new area and hosted by our school. More than 1000 peopleparticipated in the activity.Including many universities, scientific research institutes, enterprise representatives and news media reporters.

At the launching ceremony, the Management Committee of Shenfu new area signed the cooperation framework agreement with six provincial universities including our university. During the activity, Li Tianlai, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering and vice president of Shenyang Agricultural University, and other experts were invited to give scientific and technological innovation reports, which enhanced the scientific research strength and personnel training quality of our university. In addition, the University also held a series of scientific and technological activities in various forms, rich contents, high participation and wide coverage, such as modern teaching equipment exhibition, computer competition for college students, science popularization and publicity series activities, science and technology and science and technology innovation policy lectures, which broadened the vision of Teachers and students, built learning platform, and further improved the popularity and influence of the University.

In the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control period, our school conscientiously fulfill its social responsibilities and actively help epidemic prevention and control. In March this year, with the support and help from Shenfu New District Administrative Committee, the school invested 5 million yuan to build 60 thousand mask production workshop of Nissan, equipped with 100 thousand sterile vehicle rooms and automatic flat mask production line. On the basis of meeting the needs of teachers and students, our school donated the masks to many high schools in the province. In terms of the approval of mask production workshop, Shenfu new area has given strong support to speed up the approval. Relevant departments and units in the new area shall take the initiative to coordinate and solve various problems in the process of project construction, so as to provide strong support and service guarantee for accelerating the construction of mask production line.

The new area also actively builds a platform, and our school has reached school enterprise cooperation with a number of well-known enterprises. On April 27 this year, under the personal initiative of Dong Feng, director of the Management Committee of Shenfu new area, and through the active communication and coordination of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Shenfu new area, Liu Jiren, chairman of Neusoft group, and Dong Feng and other relevant leaders of the new area visited our school to investigate and further study the cooperation with our school. All parties held a symposium in the Management Committee of Shenfu new area, in which they had in-depth communication on the next step of cooperation planning, and discussed how to further promote the cooperation between the government, school and enterprise, with a view to achieving the goal of "strengthening communication, deepening cooperation, joint development, mutual benefit and win-win" cooperation, establishing a "Trinity" of industry and education integration education ecosystem of government, school and enterprise, and comprehensively assisting Shenfu new area The district has made greater achievements in the field of digital economy.

The Strategic Cooperation Between SIT and the Demonstration Zone

Participation: GiveFullPlay toOurOwnAdvantages toPromote theDevelopment of theDemonstrationZone.

Shenyang Institute of Technology(SIT) has always been served the local area as the guidance. As the only comprehensive engineering-oriented undergraduate college in the demonstration zone, it actively takes responsibility and mission in personnel training, scientific research, etc. facing the demonstration zone. In recent years, it is highly consistent with the major industries in the demonstration zone in terms of specialty setting, key disciplines construction, practice base building, etc.

The University actively connects the layout of six leading industries in the demonstration zone, and has built production, learning and research platforms such as Intelligent Manufacturing Training Center, Industrial Robot Production, Learning and Research Base, Five Axis Processing Center, Big Data Center, Sino-Russian Food Biotechnology Joint Laboratory relying on its own national first-class undergraduate major, the first batch of "new engineering" research and practice projects, national comprehensive reform pilot major, national excellent agricultural and forestry talents education reform pilot major and two provincial key laboratories including High-end Digital Control Machine Tool Information Physical Integration and Intelligent Manufacturing Laboratory and Hazardous Forestry Pest Control Laboratory. At the same time, relying on the platforms, it has set up many research institutes such as i5 Intelligent Manufacturing Institute, Mechanical Engineering Institute, Regional Economic Development Institute, Liaoning Institute of Mountain Resources, and carried out a series of scientific researches in combination with the demonstration zone, enterprises, universities, etc., some of the achievements have been transformed to help the construction and development of the demonstration zone in an all-round way.

A large number of applied technical talents are needed in the development of the demonstration zone, which is highly consistent with the talent training objectives of our university. In recent years, our university has continued to carry out top-level design improvement, adjust the professional structure and optimize the professional direction around the industrial development needs of the demonstration zone. According to the construction idea of "professional group docking industrial chain", we have gradually optimized the 14 professional groups that have been built, and more accurately connected to the industrial chain of the demonstration zone. The emerging professional graduates trained by i5 Intelligent Manufacturing College and Robot Research Institute become the hot talents for enterprises in the demonstration zone. The student entrepreneurship project has settled in the base of mass entrepreneurship and innovation in the demonstration zone. The demonstration zone provides a large number of employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, and our university transports a large number of precise and applicable talents and provides professional intellectual support. The best benign interaction has been formed between the demonstration zone and our university.

Our university actively provides talent think tank support for the demonstration zone, promotes experts and scholars to serve the development of the demonstration zone, and makes suggestions for regional economic development. The school provides intellectual support for local governments through scientific research projects and project construction. At the beginning of the establishment of the new zone, the professors of the School of Economics and Management of our university were invited to participate in the formulation of the industrial development plan of the new zone. During the construction of the new zone, more than 10 suggestions were put forward for the development of the new area, including the development of nursing robot industry, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry, and the construction of robot smart town.

Dong Feng, Director of Management Committee of Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration

Zone,and Liu Jiren, Chairman of Neusoft Group, visited our school for investigation.

Future: Co-frequency Resonance and Co-development

Bearing a new start, the demonstration zone will continue to play a leading role in the reform and innovation demonstration, fully stimulate innovation, competitiveness and driving force, explore more new models and pioneering experience that can be replicated and popularized, and strive to build a pioneer zone for the reform and opening up in the Northeast China, a benchmark zone for optimizing the investment and business environment, a leading zone for innovation-driven development and a new engine for Liaoning's revitalization and development.

Building the best university of applied technology is our eternal pursuit. With the continuous promotion of the emerging industry cluster project in the demonstration zone and under the background ofeconomic revitalization in Northeast China, our university’s strategic goal is being achieved step by step. The "upgrading" demonstration zone will usher in new opportunities for development. To build a new platform for the school and the locality, and to help drive innovation, will certainly expand more development space for our school, and our school will take this opportunity to make full use of its power and leap forward together with the demonstration area. Now, the construction of the demonstration zone is in full swing. We are confident that, driven by the rapid development of the demonstration zone, the university will continue to improve its own software and hardware construction, constantly improve the quality of talent training, and strive to become a university that can help the development of the demonstration zone in all aspects.

-Translation Basic Courses Department

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