Inheriting the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Da Guan Kiln Contributes to the Development of Local Economy and Culture

Release time:2021-01-02Source of articles:Browse times:

On December 9th, The Ceramic Cultural and Creative Park of Fushun Da Guan Kiln, jointly established by Professor Wang Yongliang group of Shenyang Institute of Technology and Fushun Mining Group, was officially inaugurated and opened. Dai Xiaomei, member of the Standing Committee of Fushun Municipal Party Committee and minister of publicity, Sun Jing, deputy mayor of Fushun Municipal Government, Pu Xinzi, deputy municipal leader of Fushun City, Li Zhaofu, chairman of Fushun Mining Group, and Yang Lin, executive Vice president of our school attended the opening ceremony. The establishment of Fushun Da Guan Kiln Ceramic Cultural and Creative Park is a model of our school's in-depth promotion of school-enterprise cooperation, and also it is an important achievement of our school in the protection and inheritance of Fushun Da Guan Kiln ceramics for more than ten years. Meanwhile, that is a demonstration of our school's achievements in the cultivation of applied talents. Professor Wang Yongliang, director of the Ceramic Art and Traditional Technology Teaching and Research Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship College of our university, and representative inheritor of the ceramic production techniques of Da Guan Kiln, has done a lot of work in the protection and inheritance of Da Guan Kiln ceramics in Fushun for more than ten years. He has made unremitting efforts to make the restoration of Da Guan Kiln successful. Our school deeply excavates the local culture of FushunCity, helps the economic development of Fushun and the revitalization of the old industrial bases in northeast China by developing the cultural industry, and gives full play to the basic functions of colleges and universities in serving the inheriting and innovating of the society and the culture.

Protect the Inheritance to Make the Northern Kiln Become a New Name Card of the North

Originated in the Liao and Jin dynasties more than 800 years ago and flourished in the Qing Dynasty, the Da Guan Kiln is the most valuable cultural relic in Fushun history and a famous kiln in the history of ceramic development in north China. Due to historical reasons, fault appeared in the development of grand Kiln. Professor Wang Yongliang has done a lot of work in the protection and inheritance of the ceramic production techniques of the Da Guan Kiln for more than ten years in order to make the Da Guan Kiln regain its splendor and enter people's life. He has also made remarkable achievements in that field.

Professor Wang Yongliang has been learning ceramic technology from his uncle since he was a child. Before his uncle died, he told him to do in-depth research on the ceramics of Fushun Da Guan Kiln and restore its firing. In 2003, Professor Wang Yongliang came to our school and started to restore the firing process of the imperial kiln. He sorted out a lot of historical materials, excavated, sorted out and inherited the production process. Over the years, he visited the old craftsmen of the Da Guan Kiln many times and made an on-the-spot investigation in the old kiln site. He spent most of his spare time except teaching in searching, visiting and recording. Over the years, Professor Wang Yongliang has visited hundreds of people and accumulated more than 100,000 words of written materials. In 2011, after more than 7 years of trial and error, and after repeated failures, the restoration of Da Guan Kiln was finally successful. In 2018, he became the representative inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage project of Da Guan Kiln at the municipal level.

Professor Wang Yongliang has been thinking about how to make the Da Guan Kiln step into the life of contemporary people, walk out of Fushun and go further. "To inherit the precious cultural heritage of Da Guan Kiln, we need to follow the rules and regulations and integrate the spirit of the times into our works. The development of modern materials,crafts and technologies has injected new vitality into the works making in Da Guan Kiln and provided a broader space for its innovation." Professor Wang Yongliang said. Over the years, Professor Wang Yongliang has been well aware of the production techniques, material proportions, patterns and other technological characteristics of the traditional official kiln ceramics, and has been exploring in the process of inheritance. He has been trying to integrate the natural elements of the White mountain and Black water -- the landscape of northeast China into the creation of many ceramics. According to his careful design and repeated experiments, he produced the new Da Guan Kiln ceramics with both artistic characteristics and modern aesthetic style of the official Kiln works.

In recent years, Professor Wang Yongliang often takes his Daguan kiln ceramic works to participate in exhibitions at all levels in and outside the province, and has been recognized by the industry and society. In October 2018, recommended by Liaoning Ceramic Industry Association, he became one of the only two representatives in our province, participated in the final of the fourth National Ceramic Vocational skills Competition of Kaolin Cup, and obtained the national senior technician qualification. At the first Liaoning Provincial Art and Ceramics Exhibition held in December 2018, Professor Wang Yongliang won the gold medal for his work "Bai Lu Chi Yuan ", and he himself was awarded the honorary title of" Liaoning Ceramic Art Master ". In the inheritance of Daguan kiln ceramic production skills, Professor Wang Yongliang actively taught Daguan kiln ceramic production skills, but also brought Daguan kiln ceramic production skills into the university classroom, become our school's quality courses.

Cooperation between Schools and Enterprises to Revitalize the Cultural Industry

On the day of the event, Dai Xiaomei and Li Zhaofu jointly unveiled Fushun Daguan kiln pottery and porcelain creation garden. In the kiln workshop, Li Zhaofu and Professor Wang Yongliang jointly open the kiln. Professor Wang Yongliang introduced the first kiln products in detail. Daguan kiln produced more than 400 products, including plum bottle and gallbladder bottle type, and engraved the words "Daguan kiln head kiln 2020.12", will be used as a souvenir permanent collection. Then, under the guidance and explanation of Professor Wang Yongliang, the participants visited the ceramic exhibits in the pottery creation garden of Fushun Daguan Kiln, and watched and experienced the ceramic production process of Daguan Kiln.

Fushun Daguanyao Ceramic Wenchuang Garden is located on the east side of Fushun Coal Mine Museum, which lasted more than 5 months and invested more than 3.5 million yuan. It integrates ceramic production, cultural tourism, cultural development and technical training. The park covers an area of 7200 square meters and a building area of 2300 square meters. Wenchuangyuan is divided into three parts: Daguan kiln ceramic production workshop, Daguan kiln ceramic exhibition hall and Daguan kiln ceramic master studio. The exhibition hall displays the ceramic works of the members of Daguan kiln ceramic creation team and 120 Wenchuang products in 6 series. Professor Wang Yongliang as the core of the R & D creative team stationed in Wenchuangyuan, Daguan kiln ceramics R & D creation.

The establishment of Fushun Daguan Kiln Ceramic Culture Park is a model for our school to carry out cooperation between schools and enterprises. Fushun Mining Group provides funds and venues, our school provides technical and talent support. The establishment of Wenchuangyuan will better protect and inherit the ceramic skills of Daguan Kiln, enhance cultural self-confidence, upgrade cultural industry, provide a large number of jobs and help Fushun local economic development.

Professor Wang Yongliang, as a member of the Jiusan Society, reported to the Fushun Municipal Committee of the Jiusan Society on the relevant situation of the Daguan Kiln in Fushun City, which was attached importance to by the Fushun Municipal Committee of the Jiusan Society. During the two sessions in 2020, the Fushun Municipal Committee of Jiusan Society submitted a proposal on the development of Fushun Daguan Kiln cultural industry, which attracted the great attention of Fushun Municipal Committee and Municipal Government. On June 23 this year, the secretary of Fushun Municipal Party Committee came to our school to investigate and understand the relevant situation, and decided to develop the project and establish Fushun Daguan kiln pottery and porcelain creation garden. Subsequently, entrusted Fushun Mining Group and our school to undertake the project.

The establishment of Wenchuangyuan is a beneficial exploration for the transformation and revitalization of the old industrial base in Northeast China. "Fushun Xilutian mine has associated kaolin, is a very good Daguan kiln ceramic materials, Daguan kiln products once mass production and promotion, can'turn waste into treasure' to turn mineral subsidiary products into valuable materials, while forming ceramic materials processing, ceramic products production, ceramic products sales and transportation industry chain, provide a large number of jobs. The kaolin associated with coal is unique to Fushun, and the stock is very large, which is not only a good material for making Daguan kiln ceramics, but also especially suitable for making celadon ." Professor Wang Yongliang said.

The leaders of Fushun City highly affirmed the cultural and creative park of Daguan kiln in Fushun, and also had high expectations. Fushun has more than 70 intangible cultural heritages and profound cultural heritage. Fushun daguanyao cultural and creative park has made a beneficial exploration for the industrialization of intangible cultural heritage and the transformation and revitalization of traditional enterprises based on resource advantages. Shenyang Institute of technology has a very strong Daguan Kiln Ceramic R & D and design team. Professor Wang Yongliang of Shenyang Institute of technology has done a lot of work for the protection and inheritance of Daguan kiln, a project of intangible cultural heritage, and has made remarkable achievements. With the joint efforts of Shenyang Institute of technology and Fushun Mining Group, Fushun daguanyao cultural and creative park came into being. It is hoped that the two sides will strengthen the system innovation of Daguan kiln Cultural Innovation Park Company, increase scientific and technological research and development, tell the story of Daguan kiln well, produce more high-quality products, and strive to build Daguan kiln into a famous kiln in northern China.

Support for the protection and inheritance of Daguan Kiln Ceramics

Over the years, our school has established an excellent team for the protection and inheritance of Daguan kiln ceramic production technology, providing strong support and becoming the strong backing of Professor Wang Yongliang. Wang Zhaobao, chairman of the board of directors, gave Professor Wang Yongliang great support in terms of funds, personnel, venues and equipment. He and his team have always been committed to the protection and inheritance of Daguan Kiln Ceramics, and achieved fruitful results. "Since I started to collect and study Daguan Kiln Ceramics, chairman Wang Zhaobao paid close attention to it and gave me sufficient financial support. At the same time, he provided me with relatively advanced ceramic production equipment in Liaoning and even in the whole country. Over the years, the site of ceramic workshop has been constantly expanded, which has given us great protection and inheritance of Daguan Kiln Ceramics, and Teaching provides great convenience. Today's great achievements in the protection and inheritance of Daguan kiln's ceramic production skills are inseparable from the strong support of chairman Wang Zhaobao. " Professor Wang Yongliang said. At the same time, the school actively introduces excellent talents to enrich the Daguan kiln ceramic creation team of Professor Wang Yongliang. Among them, Qu Jianing, who studied in Jingdezhen Ceramic University and Musashino University of Fine Arts in Japan, was one of the team members. His ceramic works were shortlisted in the 13th National Art Exhibition and won the excellent award of China White international ceramic art competition.

Great achievements have been made in the cultivation of Applied Talents

In Fushun Daguan kiln ceramic cultural and creative park, several staff are making Daguan kiln ceramic works. Among them, there are 3 graduates from our university and 5 trainees who have received systematic training from our school. Now they have become the backbone of Fushun Daguan kiln ceramic creation team led by Professor Wang Yongliang.

In 2016, the school of innovation and Entrepreneurship of our university set up a ceramic innovation and entrepreneurship experimental class to open up a second classroom for students, so that students interested in ceramics can enter the experimental class. At the same time, many people who are interested in ceramics come to our school to study. Our school has been committed to the cultivation of applied talents, and attaches great importance to the teaching of practical ability. Students' practical ability is very strong, which is welcomed by employers. "The ceramic curriculum in our school adopts the factory production sequence and industrial technical training. Students not only know how to design, but also can make. They can take up their posts immediately after leaving the school, which makes our students very competitive." Professor Wang Yongliang said.

In recent years, many of the students taught by Professor Wang Yongliang have made remarkable achievements. A student named Jiao Lixin, in her junior year, combined her ceramic art with handicraft and children's painting to create a distinctive youth training course, which was very popular. After graduating from university and returning to her hometown of Tianjin, she combined ceramic art with Tianjin's national intangible cultural heritage of yangliuqingmu New Year pictures, developed distinctive courses and founded two training schools. A student named Zheng Huaichao founded Tianjin Yawei Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and founded his own ceramic brand, which has stores in many cities across the country.

——Translated by Basic Courses Department

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