Our school has won 5 items of Liaoning Province Vocational Education and Continuing Education in 2020 Teaching Achievement Award

Release time:2021-05-17Source of articles:Browse times:

Recently, the Department of Education of Liaoning Province issued the "Notice on Announcement of the 2020 Liaoning Vocational Education and Continuing Education Teaching Achievement Awards". Five items of our school have been approved for the Liaoning Vocational Education and Continuing Education Teaching Achievement Award. 1 first prize, 2 second prizes for vocational education, and 2 second prizes for continuing education. The list is as follows:

This award is a full affirmation of our school's series of teaching reforms in the field of vocational education and continuing education. In recent years, our school has thoroughly implemented the spirit of the national and Liaoning Province vocational education reform implementation plan, continued to deepen the reform and innovation of the vocational education system, education mechanism and talent training model, and actively explored the reform and innovation of continuing education teaching theory and new achievements in practice. Continuously promote the high-quality development of our school's vocational education and continuing education, improve the quality of talent training, and help vocational education serve the revitalization and development of Liaoning.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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