Northeastern University's laboratory construction cooperation has reached a new level with Shenyang Institute of technology

Release time:2021-05-24Source of articles:Browse times:

On May 11, Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory of CNC Machine Tool Cyber-Physics and Intelligent Manufacturing and the State Key Laboratory of Process Industry Automation and Northeastern University project cooperation and exchange report was held in the Architecture Museum of Northeastern University. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Process Industry Integrated Automation, Northeastern University Chai Tianyou, Deputy Directors Zheng Xiuping and Wang Liangyong, Shenyang Institute of Technology President Li Kangju, Vice President Shao Yu, and teacher representatives from both sides attended the meeting.

The two parties first summarized the results of the cooperation in the past year. Our university was approved by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Provincial Department of Science and Technology through the joint in-depth study of the research direction and the joint in-depth research with the help of the project. 2 projects, with a total project value of more than 1 million yuan, published 4 SCI papers, held 6 academic seminars, and organized 6 participants in related academic conferences. A series of measures have effectively improved the scientific research ability and academic level of young teachers of our university.

At the meeting, Academician Chai Tianyou awarded the letter of appointment for master tutors of the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation of Process Industry of Northeastern University to 5 professors of our school. The Process Laboratory of Northeastern University will send graduate students to our school for in-depth study and research around related topics, and the two universities will cooperate to carry out postgraduate training

President Li expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the State Key Laboratory of Process Industry Integrated Automation of Northeastern University for its support to the scientific research work of our school and the training of young teachers. He pointed out that with the accelerated development of our school's discipline construction, the academic level and scientific research capabilities of young teachers are of great significance to the school's future application for engineering master's degree programs. He hopes that the postgraduate tutors selected this time will have firm confidence, clear direction, take into account basic theoretical study and applied research, and under the help and guidance of experts from Northeastern University, strive to improve their own scientific research and academic capabilities, overcome more engineering and technical problems, and help improve The level of industry-university-research cooperation between the two universities has contributed to the promotion of our school's level of education.

In his speech, Academician Chai Tianyou fully affirmed the cooperation between our school and Northeastern University in the cultivation of postgraduate talents and the active exploration of ways to improve the scientific research ability of young and middle-aged teachers, and put forward four hopes for the next cooperation: First, further expand the depth of cooperation and fully Take advantage of the equipment advantages of the Shenyang Institute of Technology's CNC machine tool cyber-physical integration and intelligent manufacturing of the Liaoning Province Key Laboratory, realize the complementary advantages of the two laboratories, and continue to consolidate the results of cooperation between the two parties; the second is to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between teachers and strengthen the role of pairing and assistance , To better promote the improvement of the scientific research capabilities of the teachers of Shenyang Institute of Technology; the third is to improve the settings of related scientific research projects, and regularly hold related academic exchanges and seminars; fourth, the cooperation between the two parties should closely follow the national strategic development needs and face smart industry, 5G, and independent In the field of servers and the Internet of Things, the scope and path of cooperation between the two parties will be further expanded.

After the meeting, the participants of our school went to the State Key Laboratory of Process Industry Integrated Automation of Northeastern University to learn more about the latest research trends and scientific and technological achievements of the laboratory, and exchanged opinions with each other on the research direction, research field and joint training of masters and graduate students.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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