Ranked 4th in the Country, Ranked 1st in Liaoning Province

Release time:2021-03-26Source of articles:Browse times:

On March 22, the University Competition Evaluation and Management System Research Working Group of the China Higher Education Association released the 2020 National University Discipline Competition Rankings. Shenyang Institute of Technology(SIT)’ s national ranking in the undergraduate group of the general university discipline competition rankings has been promoted from 273 announced in 2020 (2015-2019) to 260 in 2021 (2016-2020). Our school ranked 20th in the country in the 2016-2020 ranking list of National newly-built Undergraduate College Student Competition. Ranking was promoted from 7th in 2014-2018 to 6th in 2015-2019 in the National Private and Independent College Student Competition Ranking List, and then up to 4th in 2016-2020 (1st in Liaoning Province).

The ranking list of the National College Student Competition published by the China Higher Education Association is the most authoritative ranking list of domestic college student competition results. The purpose is to provide service information for the quality of college talent training, and also to provide an important reference for analyzing and evaluating the training mechanism and achievements of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in colleges and universities.

Take multiple measures to escort students’ studies,

Accumulate as much as possible but to release a little at a time now

The continuous improvement of the ranking of discipline competitions is just a microcosm of our school's efforts to advance toward the goal of being the best university of applied technology. The improvement in the ranking is due to the fact that the school has always attached great importance to the innovation and entrepreneurship education of college students, continuously deepened the innovation and entrepreneurship education reform, established the Innovation and Entrepreneurship College, opened dual entrepreneurship courses, established a pool of mentors for entrepreneurship and innovation a dual entrepreneurship tutor pool, constructed and implemented the “1344” innovation and entrepreneurship Education system, built a three-level scientific and technological innovation activity platform at the provincial, school, and college levels, organized more than 70 extracurricular scientific and technological activities every year, and the students participating in innovation and entrepreneurship training programs reach full professional coverage.

Strive forward on one’s own,

Create greater glory in the Year of the Ox

This year, 13 new competitions have been added to the rankings. The number of competitions included in the rankings has increased from 44 last year to 57 this year. It can be seen that the role of discipline competition in promoting the style of study and teaching is becoming increasingly obvious. The promotion effect is becoming more and more obvious. Our school regards innovation and entrepreneurship practice training as an important mechanism for the cultivation of applied talents throughout the entire process of talent training, strengthens the integration of science and education, integration of production and education, and actively adapts to the transformation and upgrading of industry enterprises and new format of regional economic development. SIT has a strong atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship with outstanding achievements, and the students' innovative spirit and ability have been continuously improved.

In the strong atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, students are becoming increasingly self-conscious and self-driven to work hard and apply what they have learned. Freshman students enrolled in various science and technology clubs as soon as they entered the school. Being little teachers, sophomores and juniors explain to freshman students and at the same time, it is also a process of improving their own abilities. In the evenings, weekends, and holidays, students can be seen in the laboratory busy working on projects under the guidance of teachers.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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