Li Kangju Led a Team to Carry out the Special Action of "Visiting Enterprises, Expanding Positions, and Promoting Employment"

Release time:2023-03-29Source of articles:Browse times:

On March 28th, President Li Kangju led a team to visit Xijie (Shenyang) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Shenyang Ruisheng Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to discuss and exchange ideas with outstanding alumni, understand the talent needs of enterprises, and deeply expand employment opportunities. Enterprise leaders warmly met with Li Kangju and his delegation, and had in-depth exchanges on school enterprise cooperation matters, reaching a deep cooperation intention.

Wang Gecheng, the branch manager and outstanding alumnus of Xijie (Shenyang) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and Li Xiang, the deputy general manager of Shenyang Ruisheng Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd., gave a detailed introduction to the company's development history, scale, employee career development, and talent needs. Fang Chengyuan, General Manager of Xijie (Shenyang) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., stated that in recent years, Shenyang Institute of Technology has trained 7 branch managers for enterprises, with flexible and diverse talent cultivation models. We hope to establish a normalized exchange and cooperation mechanism with the school on the basis of existing good cooperation, promote further consolidation of the cooperation foundation between the two sides, and continuously expand the cooperation fields in talent cultivation, technological innovation, internship and employment, Fully leverage their respective advantages to achieve school enterprise linkage, deep integration, and common development.

Li Kangju expressed sincere gratitude to Xijie (Shenyang) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Shenyang Ruisheng Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for their strong support to the school, and introduced the school's professional settings, talent cultivation, educational achievements, enrollment and employment, as well as the basic situation of 2023 graduates. He stated that the current employment situation for college students is severe, and the school strictly follows the relevant requirements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Ministry of Education, and the Provincial Department of Education, Establish a good mechanism for talent transfer and cultivation, and make greater contributions to achieving the established goals of the three-year action of comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs.

After the meeting, Li Kangju and his delegation visited the production workshop of Xijie (Shenyang) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and the high-end intelligent manufacturing workshop of Shenyang Ruisheng Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Zhao Yuan, Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Gao Chao, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Zhang Lili, Vice Dean, accompanied the visit.

Translated by Basic Course Department

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