A special Action of Visiting Enterprises and Expanding Positions at JD Logistics Northeast Branch is Carried out by the team Led by President Li Kangju

Release time:2023-04-13Source of articles:Browse times:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the employment of college graduates, and solidly implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to "Stabilize Employment" and "Guarantee Employment", President Li Kangju led a team to visit JD Logistics Northeast Branch on April 11th, 2023, and made every effort to expand and provide assistance, making every effort to ensure the employment of college students. The leaders of JD Logistics Northeast Branch warmly met with Li Kangju and his delegation, and the two sides reached a consensus on establishing a daily contact and mutual visit mechanism, continuously deepening supply and demand docking, expanding new employment opportunities, and creating new models for order cultivation.

Lin Xiangbin, Director of the Human Resources and Administration Department of JD Logistics Northeast Branch, gave an in-depth explanation of the development overview of the group and highly praised the work results achieved since the start of the school-enterprise cooperation between the two sides in 2016. He stated that in recent years, both schools and enterprises have made breakthrough progress in internship and training, employment recruitment, laboratory co- construction, and other aspects. He hopes that both sides will continue to promote deep enterprise cooperation in the future, integrate the power of enterprises to assist in the talent cultivation and construction of SIT, and contribute to the long-term and in-depth development of school -enterprise cooperation.

Ding Xujia, the person in charge of school enterprise cooperation at JD Logistics Northeast Branch, gave a detailed introduction to the new model of order cultivation and stated that in the future, we will deepen school enterprise cooperation with our school, strive to achieve a good development situation of "1+1>2", empower talent cultivation, maximize the market advantages of the enterprise, and achieve a new situation of

co-creation, win-win, and sharing.

Li Kangju expressed heartfelt gratitude to JD Logistics Northeast Branch for its strong support to the school. Li Kangju pointed out that the school has fully implemented the national special action of university secretaries and presidents visiting enterprises, expanding job opportunities, and promoting employment launched by the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education, fully promoting high-quality and full employment of school graduates. We hope that both schools and enterprises can rely on a good foundation of cooperation and fully leverage the advantages of "close neighbors" to conduct in-depth cooperation and exchanges in talent cultivation, achievement transformation, cross disciplinary collaboration, teaching and research, etc., promote mutual benefit and collaborative development, and strive to write a new chapter in school enterprise cooperation.

At the meeting, both parties signed the “JD New Talent Program” order class agreement, creating a new model for our school’s order based talent cultivation.

After the meeting, Li Kangju and his delegation, accompanied by Ma Chun, the head of the education industry platform of JD Logistics Northeast Branch, visited JD’s fully automated sorting matrix and Sirius Warehouse.

The visit is accompanied by Wu Qiong, Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Vice Deans Chen Yong and Li Yang .

Translatedby Basic Courses Department

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