Zhao Yi, General Manager of North Book City, Attended the Launch Ceremony of the First Book Exchange Fair in Our University

Release time:2023-06-16Source of articles:Browse times:

On June 14th, the launching ceremony of the first“DeepLove Sharing Readingjointly held by our university and Xinhua Bookstore North Book City Co., Ltd. was held in the circular square in front of the library. Zhao Yi, Deputy General Manager of Liaoning Publishing Group Co., LTD., Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Xinhua Bookstore North Book City Co., LTD., attended the event and awarded the "Drifting Library" to our university. Zhu Zongce, General Manager of Marketing Division of Xinhua Bookstore North Book City Co., Ltd., Guo Feng, Hu Xiaomei, Secretary of the Party Committee of our university, and Gong Piguo, Executive Vice President of our University attended the event.

Gong Piguo delivered a speech at the launch ceremony, extended a warm welcome to General Manager Zhao Yi and his delegation, and thanked North Book City Co., Ltd. for its strong support to the university work over the years. He pointed out that books are an important way for us to acquire knowledge, enhance wisdom and cultivate morality. Reading is a major event related to national development, national rejuvenation and personal future.The history of a persons spiritual development is his history of reading; the spiritual state of a nation depends on the reading level; a university without reading will never have a real education. Hoping that the concept of sharing reading, happy reading, green reading, love reading, good habits, through reading, establish the awareness of lifelong learning, for the construction of books, and unremitting efforts for the construction of the best applied university.

The activity of“DeepLove Sharing Readingis one of the important contents of the "Loving Book Going Far" reading Festival of our university. It is jointly organized by the Student Affairs Office, Books and Archives, and the College of Energy and Water Conservancy. The main principals of relevant departments and colleges participate in the activity. The student orchestra performed the folk musicOrchid Pavilion Prefaceat the event site, and recited the poemReading and Cultivationto set off the atmosphere of scholarly reading.

After the launch ceremony, accompanied by Hu Xiaomei and Gongpiguo, Zhao Yi and his delegation visited the virtual simulation experiment teaching Center of the College of Energy and Water Conservancy and the ceramic studio of Daguan Kiln, and listened carefully to the introduction of talent training, professional development and inheritance of Daguan Kiln skills made by Hao Zhijian and Wang Yongliang.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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