Our school and Binhai State Agricultural and Technical University of Russia Reaching deep cooperation

Release time:2023-08-18Source of articles:Browse times:

On August 9th, President Li Kangju and Vice President Xu Ying met with a delegation led by visiting Vice President Polokin Igor Igolevich of the Russian Binhai State Agricultural and Technical University. The two schools have reached a deep cooperation and conducted discussions and exchanges on the cooperation content. The symposium was chaired by Wu Ningning, Assistant Dean of the School of International Education.

Li Kangju warmly welcomed the arrival of the Vice President of Binhai State Agricultural and Technical University in Russia. He briefly introduced the development process, educational characteristics, professional construction, international cooperation, and other aspects of our school. He pointed out that both sides have had years of friendship and have achieved fruitful results in cooperation in multiple fields in recent years, laying a solid foundation for deep cooperation between the two schools in the future. He hopes that in the future, the two schools can fully leverage their respective advantages, further deepen cooperation, enhance communication levels, and jointly promote the improvement of teaching, scientific research, and talent cultivation levels of both sides.

Bolokin Igor Igolevich expressed sincere gratitude for the warm reception from our school and full of confidence in the future deep cooperation between the two schools. He stated that the cooperation between the two schools over the years has been very pleasant and has achieved very good results. There are many farms in the coastal areas of Russia, and the agricultural industry has developed well, making it a good agricultural technology experimental base. Shenyang Institute of Technology has a solid foundation in the field of agriculture. We hope that both parties can leverage their respective strengths to carry out in-depth cooperation in joint laboratory establishment, teacher training, student exchange, and actively transform experimental results to help promote social and economic development.

Since 2020, our school has maintained a good cooperative relationship with the Russian Binhai State Agricultural and Technical University. Both sides have conducted many collaborations in teacher training, scientific research, student competitions, student exchanges, and other aspects. 12 teachers from our school have been admitted to the doctoral program of the Russian Binhai State Agricultural and Technical University. Both sides also jointly held a college student vocational skills friendship competition and established an international academic exchange platform. Students from Binhai State Agricultural and Technical University of Russia have participated in online winter and summer camps organized by our school for many consecutive years.

At the symposium, both sides conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on related topics such as talent joint training, teacher-student exchanges, talent introduction, and joint laboratories, while consolidating the existing cooperation foundation.

Before the symposium, Pologin Igor Igolevich and his delegation visited our school's Intelligent Manufacturing Training Center, Automotive Training Center, and Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Museum.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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