The Fushun Municipal Committee of the Democratic League organised members of the education industry to visit our school and exchange

Release time:2023-09-11Source of articles:Browse times:

On September 7, the Fushun Democratic League Education Sector Grassroots Organisation College Study Research and Exchange Conference was held in our school. Yu Man, full-time deputy chairman of the Fushun Municipal Committee of the Democratic League, led 15 alliance members of 5 universities including Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical Technology to the school for inspection and exchange. Hu Xiaomei, Secretary of the Party Committee, met with Yu Man and his entourage. Bai Jing, member of the Party Committee and head of the Organisation Department, attended the symposium. Hou Chunming, chairman of the Shengong Branch of the Democratic League and vice president of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, presided over the symposium.

On behalf of the school party committee, Hu Xiaomei welcomed Man and his party, and thanked the Fushun Municipal Party Committee of the Democratic League for their strong support and help to the school's work. On the occasion of the 39th Teacher's Day, I extend holiday greetings and sincere blessings to the teachers' alliance members from sister colleges and universities. She said that strong teaching must first strengthen teachers. In recent years, the quality of running schools in Shenyang Institute of Technology has been continuously improved, and the excellent teaching team has made great contributions. I hope to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with universities in Fufu, deeply understand the glorious mission and major responsibilities in the construction of a strong country in education, a strong country in science and technology, and a strong talent country, take it as our responsibility to cultivate new people in the era who can be a great responsibility of national rejuvenation, and strive to cultivate more socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labour.

Yu Man expressed his gratitude to the school party committee that has always cared about and supported the work of the Democratic League, recognised the excellent achievements of our school in the rapid development in recent years, and extended holiday congratulations to the teachers of the whole school. She said that the university is a gathering place for intellectuals and a key town for scientific and technological innovation. It is an important strategic force to accelerate the construction of an important talent centre and an innovation highland in the world. It is an important treasure house of intellectual resources and a source of talents of the Democratic League. Strengthening the construction of grass-roots organisations in colleges and universities is of great significance for consolidating the advantages and characteristics of the NLD and inheriting the humanistic spirit of the NLD. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and solidly promote the theme education of "condensing the soul to strengthen the foundation, unite and forge ahead for a new journey". Work, always maintain the political nature of unity and struggle with the Communist Party of China.

Yu Man and his entourage visited the Training Centre of the School of Preschool Education, the Intelligent High-speed Five-axis Training Base of the School of Mechanical Engineering, and the Agricultural Science and Technology Museum of the School of Life Engineering, and listened to the introduction of Hou Chunming, Guan Hui, Vice Dean of the School of Preschool Education, and Han Lin, Director of the Teaching and Research Office of the School of Life Engineering.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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