The eighth circuit supervision group of the provincial Party Committee held an independent theme education forum for private colleges and universities

Release time:2023-10-19Source of articles:Browse times:

On October 12th, the 8th Supervision Group of the Provincial Party Committee held a symposium on the theme education of learning and implementing XiJinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics for the new era in independently established private universities at Shenyang Institute of Technology. Zhao Man, deputy secretary of the eighth circuit supervision group of the Provincial Party Committee, and Song Shengyong, deputy director of the provincial government's Education Supervision Office, attended the meeting and made a speech. The meeting was chaired by Zhou Zhiqiang, deputy leader of the eighth circuit supervision group of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology.

The meeting listened to the work of 11 independent private college Party committees of Liaoning He Medical College, Shenyang Institute of Technology, Shenyang City College, Shenyang Urban Construction College, Liaoning Institute of Communication, Shenyang Institute of Science and Technology, Liaoning Institute of Technology, Liaoning Polytechnic Vocational University, Liaoning Advertising Vocational College, Shenyang North Soft Information Vocational and Technical College and Liaoning Finance and Trade College Report, summarize experience and practice, find existing problems, and exchange work plans.

Zhao Man affirmed the implementation and promotion of theme education in private colleges and universities independently set up, and according to the reports of each school, he gave targeted opinions and suggestions on the shortcomings and problems existing in the current theme education work of each school and the next key work of theme education. He pointed out that since the launch of theme education, the eighth traveling supervision group of the Provincial Party Committee, the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the independent private colleges and universities have been deployed against the central and provincial Party committees, and have always regarded theme education as a major political task, answering the same questionandachieving phased workresults.He emphasized the need to firmly grasp the main theme and fundamental task of in-depth study and implementation of XiJinping's.Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era, closely combine with the fundamental educational task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, and meet the overall requirements of XiJinping's important speech spirit and "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", Effectively from the learning to cast the soul, to learn to increase wisdom, to learn the wind, to learn to promote dry on the target task, the theme education, which is a matter of the overall situation, carried on the shoulder, on the heart, grasp in hand, and promote the theme education tasks to fall small, go deep and go solid, see the effect.

Song Shengyong pointed out in his comments that the independent private colleges and universities should work hard in theoretical learning, true faith and practice, promote development to work hard in practice to promote high-quality development, review and rectification to work hard in the movement of real, real verification and reform, and establish rules and regulations to work hard. The party committees of the independently set private colleges and universities should earnestly fulfill their main responsibilities, strengthen the leadership and guidance of the whole process, ensure that the tasks of the theme education are deployed, promoted, inspected, and implemented, and promote the theme education to continue to go deep and solid.

Members of the eighth circuit supervision group of the Provincial Party Committee, members of the Office of the Theme Education Leading Group of the Provincial Party Committee Education Working Committee, and ministers of the organization Department of 11 independently set private high schools participated in the theme education symposium.

After the symposium, the eighth circuit supervision group of the Provincial Party Committee held a theme education research discussion in Shenyang Institute of Technology, and 9 representatives of grassroots party affairs workers made reports and speeches around their own work and personal experience. Combined with the content of the speech, Zhao Man asked questions one by one, affirmed the theme education work of the grass-roots party organizations of Shenyang Institute of Technology, and put forward specific requirements for the next theme education work, the school party committee should strengthen classified guidance, the grass-roots party organizations should take practical and effective theoretical learning in combination with the actual situation, and vigorously carry out the "contribution based on the position" activity. Guide party members to take the initiative to act, take the role of promising, the theme of education results reflected in the high-quality development results, reflected in the work of the promotion center.

During the meeting, members of the eighth circuit supervision group of the Provincial Party Committee went to the training center of the Preschool Education Institute (Shengong Kindergarten), the intelligent manufacturing training center, the automobile training center and the Lei Feng spirit education base of Shenyang Institute of Technology for field research.

Translated by Basic Course Department

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