The research team of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission visited the practical training center of the College of Preschool Education at our university to guide the work

Release time:2023-10-31Source of articles:Browse times:

In order to accelerate the development of inclusive preschool education in Liaoning Province and improve the quality of kindergarten education, a research team consisting of Zu Mingdi from the Regional Department of the Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Chen Baishi from the Science and Technology Department of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and Han Bin from the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently visited the Training Center of the College of Preschool Education (Shenyang Institute of Technology Kindergarten) to guide the work. Theywere accompanied by Liu Weidong, Deputy Director of the Shenfu Reform Demonstration Zone, and Li Kangju, President of Shenyang Institute of Technology.

Dr. Zhao Lin, Dean of the College of Preschool Education, introduced the construction of the college, professional development, and operation of the training center, and emphasized the teaching concept of "integrating the college and the kindergarten" in preschool education. Zhao Lin pointed out that the school has always actively explored the path of "integrating college and kindergarten" characteristic education, striving to build a zero-distance connection between pre-service training and vocational positions. The innovative educational practice model of embedding professional courses in practical parks in universities has been carefully created, creating a paradise for the growth of preschool children and a cradle for high-quality kindergarten teachers, demonstrating the social responsibility and responsibility of universities.

The inspection team fully affirmed the construction scale, faculty strength, and training mode of the training center, and highly praised the school's support for the development of local preschool education and the courage to take on social responsibility. The inspection team pointed out that running pre-school education well and achieving good education for children is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee. It is a major livelihood project for all levels of Party and government to do practical things for the people. It is hoped that schools will fully implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, continuously improve the quality and level of education and teaching, and continue to deeply explore the path of "integrating schools and kindergartens" characteristic education, and make efforts, intentions, and emotions to provide education that satisfies the people.

Translatedby Basic Courses Department

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