The 2022-2023 News Promotion and Brand Development Commendation Conference was held at our school

Release time:2023-11-10Source of articles:Browse times:

On November 8th, on the occasion of the 24th Journalists’ Day, the 2022-2023 Shenyang Institute of Technology News Promotion and Brand DevelopmentCommendation Conferencewasheld. HuXiaomei, Secretary of the School Party Committee, Yang Xiuying, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President, and Zhou Yongchang, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President, attended the commendationConference. TheConferencewas presided over by Qu Yi, the Minister of the Propaganda Department of the School Party Committee. The head of our school’s functional departments, the secretary and deputy secretary of the college party committee, as well as the teachers and students responsible for publicity work, attended the commendationConference.

Hu Xiaomei congratulates the award-winning units and individuals, and sincerely wishes the entire school's propaganda workers. She states that news and public opinion work is an important task of the Party, a major event in governing the country and stabilizing the country. Propaganda and ideological and cultural work is related to the future and destiny of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, national cohesion and centripetal force, and is an extremely important task. Over the past year, all units and colleges in the school have attached great importance to news publicity and brand building work. Party members and cadres at all levels, as well as teachers and students in the integrated media center, have adhered to the correct political direction, closely focused on the school's central work, continuously improved their propaganda ability and level, sang the main theme, promoted positive energy, and produced many warm and powerful works. They have achieved multi-platform and full media voice, and a highly recognizable brand image has initially formed with a strong publicity influence. A positive, healthy, and sunny public opinion atmosphere has created for the high-quality development of the school. I hope that all propaganda workers in the school can continue to learn ideas and enhance their qualities, constantly master new knowledge, familiarize themselves with new fields, broaden new horizons, enhance their abilities, strengthen investigation and research, continuously enhance their footwork, eyesight, brain power, and writing skills, and strive to achieve political excellence, strong skills, practical innovation, and the ability to win battles. Deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", resolutely achieve the "two maintenance", adhere to Xi Jinping cultural thought as the guidance, create a new situation of ideological and cultural work in the new era, and provide strong ideological guarantee, strong spiritual strength and favorable cultural conditions for the high-quality development of the school.

At the conference, Zhou Yongchang read out the "Decision on Commending Advanced Collections and Excellent Individuals in News Promotion and Brand Development Work for the Year 2022-2023". The school party committee has awarded the titles of "Advanced Collective in Propaganda Work" to four units including the College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, "Advanced Collective in New Media Construction" to two teams including the "Integrated Media Center", "Advanced Propaganda Worker" to ten people including Wang Yue, "Excellent Journalist" to ten people including Ma Xinyang, and "Top Ten Media Personnel" to ten people including Wang Tianhe.

Over the past year, under the leadership of the school Party Committee, the Party Committee Propaganda Department and Brand Development Department have been adhering to the correct political direction and public opinion guidance, closely focusing on the school's central work, promoting the spirit and culture of SIT, carefully planning special promotions, accelerating media integration, telling the story of SIT well, shaping the brand of SIT, creating a good campus cultural atmosphere, gathering strong positive energy for the development of SIT, and submitting a qualified answer sheet.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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