SIT has been approved as a Haizhi Expert Workstation by Liaoning Provincial Association for Science and Technology

Release time:2023-09-21Source of articles:Browse times:

Recently, the Liaoning Provincial Association for Science and Technology announced the evaluation results of the 2023 Liaoning Haizhi Expert Workstation, and the Haizhi Expert Workstation at Shenyang Institute of Technology was successfully approved.

Haizhi Expert Workstation is established by Liaoning Provincial Association for Science and Technology, its aim is to deeply implement the “Guiding Opinions of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology on Strengthening Haizhi Work”, implement the relevant requirements of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee’s Talent Work Leading Group, expand overseas resources, and enhance the integration channels of industry, academia, and research in Liaoning province, as well as the ability to innovate technology. After the establishment of the Haizhi Expert Workstation at Shenyang Institute of Technology, the school’s researchers will collaborate with researchers and teams from countries such as Russia and Belarus to carry out applied basic research and technological innovation in related fields such as high-end equipment manufacturing, modern agriculture, food science and technology, material surface engineering, and laser processing technology.

In recent years, SIT has actively responded to the national “the Belt and Road” initiative, built an international joint research cooperation platform, unblocked communication channels between research talents and international academic peers, carried out cooperation and exchanges with more than 20 countries such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and implemented in-depth cooperation with many universities. Especially with the National Technical University of Belarus, a long-term cooperation mechanism has been established in the fields of scientific research and education services. Academician Shereg Valery Konstantinovich has been hired to work regularly at SIT, and more than 15 million yuan has been invested in the construction of the China Belarus Experimental Center. The “China Belarus 2+2” student joint training project has been implemented to meet the development needs of high-end equipment manufacturing in strategic emerging industries in Liaoning province, SIT has conducted applied basic research and technological innovation around more than 10 key technologies such as material surface engineering and laser processing technology. At present, with the strong support of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, the Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone, and the Fushun City Association for Science and Technology, and with the joint efforts of the two schools, both sides will jointly build scientific facilities and research and development platforms to continue supporting the development of strategic emerging industries.

SIT will grasp this opportunity, adhere to the goal of serving the new round of comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning, combine with local industry development plans, deepen international scientific research cooperation, continuously explore reforms with an international perspective, promote high-quality development of our school’s teaching and scientific research, and demonstrate greater responsibility and achievements in the new era, contribute to the revitalization and development of Liaoning.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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