Our university was awarded the pilot school of Internationalization assessment of colleges and universities in Liaoning Province

Release time:2023-09-08Source of articles:Browse times:

Recently, the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education issuedthe Notice on Determining the Pilot Schools for Assessing the Internationalization Level of Universities in Liaoning Province. And after the selection, assessment and review, our university was awarded the Pilot School for Assessing the Internationalization Level of Universities in Liaoning Province.

This year, the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education organized and carried out the selection of pilot schools for the internationalization level assessment of universities in Liaoning Province. For different types of colleges and universities, the pilot work is carried out in the way of "designation + selection", on the basis of the declaration of the universities, after review, identified 43 colleges and universities for the internationalization level assessment pilot schools in Liaoning Province. Among them, there are 25 public undergraduate universities, 6 private undergraduate universities, and 12 vocational colleges and universities.

Over the years, the university has attached great importance to international construction, adhered to the concept of open school running, vigorously carried out international exchanges and cooperation with high-level colleges and universities in countries along the "the Belt and Road", actively trained international talents, achieved leapfrog development of international student education, and continued to improve the level of international school running.

The university actively establishes friendly cooperative relations with high-level colleges and universities in countries along the "Belt and Road", and has established cooperation with 40 colleges and universities in 15 countries, which lays a solid foundation for internationalized teaching, talent cultivation, and introduction of teachers. In recent years, it has successively introduced general courses of the world's top universities such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, Imperial College of Science and Technology, etc., set up "Intercultural Communication Course for Overseas Students", set up "Shen Gong International Master Class", introduced online lecture resources of Prof. Joachim Frank, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, as well as online lecture resources of famous universities and colleges and universities. The company has introduced the online lecture resources of Professor Joachim Frank, the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, as well as the relevant courses taught by experts and professors from famous colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, and executives of international famous enterprises, so as to broaden the field of foreign exchange and deepen the exchange and cooperation through the introduction of high-quality resources.

The school actively carries out international "2+2" classes, English experimental classes, and other projects. Through mutual recognition of courses and credits with overseas universities in countries such as the UK, the US, Russia, and South Korea, the school conducts inter school exchanges such as "2+2", "3+1", "3+1+2" exchange students, paid internships overseas, short-term study visits, and student vacation tours. It encourages and supports students to participate in internship practices, international competitions, and other activities organized by UNESCO and multilateral organizations. International academic conferences and other activities have resulted in a total of 239 students studying and exchanging abroad, and 68 students from overseas cooperative universities have come to our school to participate in programs such as study visit, study tour and exchanging programs. At present, the school offers three majors for international students studying in China: Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, Computer Science and Technology, and Business Administration. The number of countries of origin for various types of international students in China has reached 22. The "College Student Overseas Education and Employment Service Center" established this year has provided students with a safe, fast, and convenient channel for overseas education and internship, and has cultivated a large number of international applied talents.

The school has introduced a group of high-level foreign experts and renowned teachers, with a focus on introducing academicians and research teams from Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. We have also flexibly introduced renowned teachers and experts to our school to participate in teaching, research, and other related activities, improving the overall teaching and research capabilities. The powerful teacher team made use of the advanced laboratory platform of China-Belarus Innovation Center for Mechanical Parts Hardening, Repair and Protection to carry out in-depth research on the "the Belt and Road", and achieved preliminary results. The project of "Shape and Nature Control Technology for Heavy Load Equipment Repair and Remanufacturing under Severe Service Environment" jointly researched with Belarusian National University of Technology was supported by the "2023 Liaoning International Science and Technology Cooperation Plan" of the Science and Technology Department of Liaoning Province. At the same time, the school enhances teachers' scientific research ability and level by hosting and participating in international academic conferences, and creates a good academic atmosphere.

Our school will take this award as an opportunity to continue adhering to the concept of international construction and open education, actively providing efficient and high-quality services for international students and teachers and students to exchange abroad, gradually realizing the internationalization of education and teaching, normalizing the exchange of achievements among international universities, accelerating the construction of a new pattern of opening up to the outside world, and accelerating the progress towards a high-level applied university with an international perspective.

Translated by Basic Course Department


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