The Second Seminar on the Cultivation of Intelligent Manufacturing Applied Talents and Textbook Construction in Higher Institutions was Held in Our University

Release time:2023-08-18Source of articles:Browse times:

From August 12th to 14th, the second seminar on the cultivation of intelligent manufacturing applied talents and textbook construction in higher institutions was held in our school. More than 110 people, including experts from the Teaching Materials Construction Committee for Intelligent Manufacturing Applied Talents in Higher Institutions, relevant university professional leaders and backbone teachers, representatives of experts involved in textbook compilation, and representatives of relevant intelligent manufacturing cooperative enterprises, gathered to conduct in-depth learning, exchange, and discussion on issues such as the cultivation of intelligent manufacturing applied talents in higher institutions and the construction of high-quality courses in intelligent manufacturing related majors. Our school principal Li Kangju attended the seminar, which was chaired by Vice Principal Yang Xiuying.

This seminar is held by the Teaching Materials Construction Committee for Intelligent Manufacturing Applied Talents in Higher Education Institutions, and organized by Shenyang Institute of Technology and Chemical Industry Press. The aim is to promote and boost the development and integration of intelligent manufacturing related disciplines and majors, cultivate high-quality intelligent manufacturing engineering and technical talents with "cross disciplinary, high integration, and strong creativity", and further promote the construction of intelligent manufacturing, robot engineering, and related mechanical majors The cultivation of applied talents and the creation of high-quality textbooks.

In his speech, Li Kangju warmly welcomed the attendance of members of the Education Guidance Committee and Special Committee, leaders and teachers of various schools, as well as representatives of well-known enterprises. He introduced in detail the goals and development direction of Shenyang Institute of Technology as an applied university for cultivating intelligent manufacturing talents, focusing on the history, characteristics, philosophy, sentiment, and facility construction of the university. He pointed out that intelligent manufacturing is a key direction for the development of the world's manufacturing industry, and cultivating applied talents and optimizing textbook construction are indispensable factors in promoting the development of intelligent manufacturing. The valuable experience and unique insights of experts and scholars in the field of intelligent manufacturing are crucial for cultivating applied talents and optimizing textbooks. Shenyang Institute of Technology will also take this seminar as an opportunity to further strengthen the development and integration of intelligent manufacturing related disciplines and majors, continuously improve the quality of applied talent training, and continuously promote the high-quality development of the school.

At the seminar, several well-known experts and scholars gave keynote speeches. The experts' reports closely revolve around the theme of the conference, cutting through from different perspectives, with insightful and insightful insights. Gong Yadong, Secretary General of the Ministry of Education's Mechanical Education Guidance Committee and Professor of Northeastern University, presented a report titled "Understanding and Reflection on the Construction of Applied Talents Training Textbooks for Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering". Luo Kexue, a member of the Ministry of Education's Mechanical Education Guidance Committee and the President of Beijing Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Technology, presented a report titled "Reflections on the Construction of Applied Intelligent Manufacturing Textbooks". Zheng Qingchun, President of Tianjin Vocational University, presented a report titled "Practice in the Construction of Intelligent Manufacturing Professional Groups under the Background of Industry Education Integration", and Sporodin Igor Igolevich, Vice President of Binhai Agricultural and Technical University of Russia, presented a report titled "Impact of Robot Technology Practice on the Cultivation of Engineering Ability of College Students in the Russian Higher Education System", Bao Junshan, General Manager of Education Industry at Xinsong Robot Automation Co., Ltd., presented a report titled "Intelligent Robots Assisting Intelligent Manufacturing".

Liu Dong, Vice Dean of the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at North China University of Technology, Zhang Lili, Vice Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Shenyang Institute of Technology, and Wang Jinfeng, Director of the Advanced Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Teaching and Research Office at North China Electric Power University (Baoding), respectively presented conference reports on the exploration of high-level applied talent training models, the characteristics and future plans of national first-class curriculum construction, and the overall experience of the construction of courses and textbooks in the field of intelligent manufacturing. Tian Jiexing, Director of Digital Products at Chemical Industry Press, and Jin Linru, Editor of Mechanical Branch of Chemical Industry Press, introduced their exploration of integrated textbook construction plans and intelligent manufacturing professional textbook system construction to the attending representatives. Chen Zhao, the Marketing Director of Daran Robotics, introduced the development plans of intelligent robots for intelligent manufacturing and robot engineering based on the integration of industry and education, and proposed the demand goals for cultivating applied talents in intelligent manufacturing from the perspective of enterprises.

After the meeting, the attending guests visited our school's Intelligent Manufacturing Training Center.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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