Du Zhonghua, Vice President of Shenyang Polytechnic University, and his delegation visited our school for exchange and negotiation

Release time:2024-01-11Source of articles:Browse times:

On January 9, Du Zhonghua, Vice president of Shenyang Polytechnic University and his delegation of 5 people visited our university. Li Kangju, Vice president of Shenyang Polytechnic University, presided over the meeting and made a speech. Xu Ying, vice president of Shenyang Polytechnic University, attended the symposium and discussed matters related to science and technology cooperation.

On behalf of the university, Li Kangju expressed his sincere thanks to Shenyang Polytechnic University for its long-term support and help, and briefly introduced the development history, school-enterprise cooperation, professional construction and school-running achievements of the university. He pointed out that Shenyang Institute of Technology and Shenyang Polytechnic University have been linked by blood, and the two universities have carried out extensive cooperation and exchanges in personnel training, scientific research, social services and other aspects, and formed a deep friendship. It is hoped that the two sides will further upgrade the level of cooperation, continue to broaden the scope of cooperation, push forward the practical cooperation between the two sides and jointly create a new situation of high-quality development of the two sides.

Du Zhonghua fully affirmed the achievements of our school running and management, and spoke highly of the construction of our school's training center. He pointed out that Shenyang Institute of Technology has clear ideas and accurate positioning, actively serves local economic development, and strives to create an advanced internship training platform, which provides a strong guarantee for continuously improving the quality of talent training. It is hoped that the two sides will work hand in hand, make joint efforts to overcome difficulties, continuously strengthen school-running characteristics, realize complementary advantages, and jointly embark on a new journey of high-quality development, so as to make greater contributions to new breakthroughs in the comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning.

At the exchange meeting, the two sides exchanged in-depth views on the contents of school-school, school-enterprise, industry-university-research cooperation, joint establishment of scientific research teams, and joint scientific research in combination with the advantages of disciplines and specialties of both sides.

Before the meeting, Du Zhonghua and his delegation visited the intelligent manufacturing training center, robot training center, Joint Innovation Center of Inspur Industrial Internet College, and intelligent high-speed five-axis training base of our school.

Mr. Lou Changsheng, general manager of Shenyang Polytechnic University Science and Technology Park Co., LTD., Mr. Jiang Yueqiu, Director of Science and Technology Department, Mr. Chen Tyong, deputy director of the school-run enterprise Jianfeng Machinery Factory, Mr. Wang Zijun, deputy director of Science and Technology Department, Mr. Liu Yefeng, Director of Science and Technology Department of our school, Mr. Zhao Yuan, dean of Mechanical Engineering and Automation School, and Mr. Li Xiaobo, dean of Information and Control School, accompanied the visit.

(Written/Photo by Liu Yefeng/Proofread by Guan Tianqi/Reviewed by Li Jian/Xu Ying)

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