A study of Shenyang Institute of Technology conducted by Yang Xiaopeng, Deputy Secretary General of the Shenyang Western Returned Scholars Association

Release time:2024-03-09Source of articles:Browse times:

Yang Xiaopeng, the Deputy Secretary General of the Shenyang Western Returned Scholars Association, along with her group to conduct study on the matter of overseas-educated Scholars, and had a discussion with representatives of western returning teachers of SIT on March 8th. Besides,Hu Xiaomei ,Party Secretary of SIT warmly welcomed and met with Yang and her group. Other participant includes Xu Ying, President of Western Returned Scholars Association of SIT, and Vice President of SIT. The discussion was held by Liu Huixin, Head of the United Front Work Department of the University’s Party Committee.

Secretary Hu warmly welcomed Yang Xiaopeng and her delegation, expressed the appreciation for the continuous support, assistance, and guidance about the matters of Western Returned Scholars Association of SIT on behalf of party committee. The heartily congratulations and good wishes with compliments also were sent on the occasion of the International Women's Day on March 8th. She said returning overseas teachers are valuable possessions of SIT and critical forces for high-quality and comprehensive Development of higher education. The Association of SIT has fully demonstrated its importance on serving the country, offering advice and suggestions, and carrying out extensive people-to-people diplomacy. The tightening ties with Shenyang Western Returned Scholars Association are the general expectation of SIT. The two sides jointly commit to the dedication of motherland, and contribute to the high-quality development of SIT and serving the new breakthrough of Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization in the three-year strategy.

Secretary Yang said SIT Party Committee has achieved remarkable results in the implement of The United Front in this new century, of expositions and instructions on the returned overseas scholars, which can be regarded as a model of private colleges and universities with its distinctive features. She also expected SIT would uphold Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guidance, and remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind. Besides, The University would clarify the direction of goals, anchor responsibilities and missions, leverage institutional advantages, further unite people's hearts and gather strength, draw a concentric circle, forge ahead on a new starting point, and lead overseas students to add new brilliance and paint a new chapter for the development of the European and American Alumni Association and the career of overseas students.

Xu Ying expressed Western Returned Scholars Association of Shenyang Institute of Technology would deepen the study and implementation of the National United Front Spirit under the 110th Anniversary of the Founding of Western Returned Scholars Association. The returnees would continuously strengthen ideological guidance, bridge the link between the Party and the vast number of overseas students, and build the Association into a united and harmonious home in the new century.

We also have with us Mou Jiaqi, Senior Staff member of the Shenyang Western Returned Scholars Association, Wu Qiong, the vice president of Western Returned Scholars Association of Shenyang Institute of technology, secretary of the Party Committee and dean of the School of Economics and Management, numbers of the United Front Work Department of the University's Party Committee, and staffs of Alumni Affairs Office.

Authored by Zhang Danhua

Proofread by Ding Shengzhe

Reviewed by Li Han

Censored by Hu Xiaomei

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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