Our school holds the 2023 Enrollment Summary Conference and the 2024 Enrollment Mobilization Conference

Release time:2024-03-27Source of articles:Browse times:

In order to further promote the healthy development of school enrollment work and assist in the steady improvement of enrollment work, the 2023 Enrollment Summary Conference and 2024 Enrollment Mobilization Conference of Shenyang Institute of Technology were held in the 205 Lecture Hall of the Library on March 26. President Li Kang gave a mobilization speech for 2024 enrollment work, and Vice President Xu Ying attended and delivered a speech. The meeting was presided over by Hu Chenchen, Executive Deputy Director of the Enrollment and Employment Office.

Li Kangju fully affirmed the school's enrollment work in 2023 and expressed gratitude to all faculty and staff for their hard work. He emphasized that enrollment work is one of the most important tasks of the college at present, which is a major matter related to the high-quality development of the school and the immediate interests of all faculty and staff. All faculty and staff should view enrollment from the perspective of the survival and development of the school, fully understand the importance of enrollment work, shoulder responsibilities bravely, dare to challenge, act quickly, and do a good job in enrollment work with heart and effort, further improving the "quantity" and "quality" of our school's student source, and making new contributions to the rapid, healthy, and sustainable development of the school.

Xu Ying summarized the enrollment and admission situation in 2023, comprehensively analyzed the new admission situation under the background of the college entrance examination reform in various provinces, provided a detailed introduction to the overall admission situation of our school in each province, analyzed the current problems and challenges, and provided prospects for the enrollment promotion work in 2024. She emphasized that enrollment work is the lifeline of the school, and all faculty and staff should fully understand the significant significance of enrollment work, further unify their thinking, improve their understanding, continuously enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in doing a good job in enrollment work, carefully plan and actively implement, and help the school's enrollment work reach a new level.

At the meeting, Hu Chenchen interpreted the school's 2024 enrollment promotion work plan, clarified the enrollment work ideas for 2024, and proposed specific requirements for enrollment work. Hao Zhijian, Dean of the School of Energy and Water Resources, Li Hongyan, Vice Dean of the School of Life Engineering, and Zhu Xiaohui, Director of the Teaching and Research Office of Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, and Automation at the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, shared their experience in enrollment work.

The heads of relevant functional departments, the leadership team of the secondary college, the Enrollment and Employment Office, and all enrollment promoters attended the meeting.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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