Liaoning Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology organized young cadres to inspect our school’s practical training center

Release time:2024-04-29Source of articles:Browse times:

On April 26, cadres of the Organization agencies of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Liaoning Province visited our school's advanced manufacturing center and the Inspur Industry Internet College. The aim is to thoroughly understand the research and development of the industrial Internet and advanced manufacturing fields, and promote the high -quality development of the industrial and information industry in Liaoning Province. Xu Ying, vice president of our school, accompanied the inspection.

Xu Ying extended a warm welcome to the visitors, and introduced the development history and scientific research results of our school's advanced manufacturing center in detail, explained the intelligent management and control system of the workshop, flexible fully automated intelligent production line, smart high -speed five -axis CNC machine tools, industrial ABB, FANUC The latest progress in Anchuan Intelligent Robot. The person in charge of the Innovation Center introduced the results and experiences of the InspurIndustrial Internet College Joint Innovation Center in the industrial Internet technology research and development, talent training, industrial services and other aspects.

After field observation, inspectors fully recognize the huge role of industrial Internet technology in the practical application of industry and industry enterprises, and for our school's research and development capabilities and industrial docking capabilities in the field of advanced manufacturing, as well as the innovative capabilities and practical achievements in the industrial Internet field. Give full affirmation. It is hoped that our school can give full play to the advantages of intelligence, talents, and practical venues in accordance with the actual needs of the enterprise, and carry out extensive and in -depth project cooperation and personnel training with enterprises to jointly promote the high -speed and high -quality development of advanced manufacturing industries in Liaoning Province.

In the future, our school will continue to strengthen the cooperation of schools, schools and enterprises, continuously promote the research and development and application of industrial Internet and advanced manufacturing technology, and provide strong science and technology and talent support for the industrial and informatization undertakings in Liaoning Province and the country.

(Writing/FuJiangshan Picture/Li Ruoqi School Division/Discussion/Quyi)

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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