Midwestern State University

Release time:2017-03-29Source of articles:Browse times:

General Information

Established in 1922.

Located in Wichita Falls, Texas, which is located midway between Oklahoma City and the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.

255-acre campus is nestled among the city's residential area, and comprises 70 buildings, numerous playing fields, and an outdoor recreational facility near Sikes Lake.

One of 36 public institutions of higher education in Texas.

Only university in Texas to become a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC).

Offer U.S. non-Texas residents a special tuition rate. The university was recently recognized U.S. News and World Report's list of "10 Public Schools with the Cheapest Out-of-State Tuition."


Mission Statement

Midwestern State University is a leading public liberal arts university committed to providing students with rigorous undergraduate and graduate education in the liberal arts and the professions. Through an emphasis upon teaching, augmented by the opportunity for students to engage in research and creative activities alongside faculty and to participate in co-curricular and service programs, Midwestern State prepares its graduates to embark upon their careers or pursue advanced study. The university’s undergraduate education is based upon a comprehensive arts and sciences core curriculum. The understanding that students gain of themselves, others, and the social and natural world prepares them to contribute constructively to society through their work and through their private lives.

Our values

Excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship, and artistic production

Intellectual curiosity and integrity

Critical thinking

Emotional and physical well-being

Mutual respect, civility, and cooperation

Social justice

Civic service

Stewardship of the environment, and of financial and human resources

A safe, attractive, and well-designed campus
