Our school held the opening ceremony of 2020 freshmen

Release time:2021-01-02Source of articles:Browse times:

In autumn, Shenyang Institute of technology has high sky, light clouds and pleasant scenery. After several months, Shenyang Institute of technology is once again young and full of vitality. More than 5000 freshmen stand on the starting line of college life, and Shenyang Institute of technology has become a new starting point for them to pursue their dreams. On the morning of October 8, the opening ceremony of 2020 freshmen was held in the stadium. Chairman Wang Zhaobao, special guest Xu Rong, all school leaders and middle-level cadres, as well as teacher representatives attended the event.

More than 1000 freshmen sang the song "red flag fluttering", lifting and driving the huge five-star red flag. With their own songs, the freshmen expressed their blessing to the motherland and their determination to serve the motherland after their studies, which fully demonstrated the youth style of students in Shenyang Institute of technology. With the majestic national anthem of the people's Republic of China, the five-star red flag is rising slowly. The opening ceremony opened in a solemn atmosphere. Li Wenguo, deputy secretary of the Party committee and vice president of the University, read out the list of awards for excellent freshmen scholarship and national outstanding agricultural and forestry scholarship. 18 students including Lu mintao and other 18 students won the 2020 "excellent freshmen admission scholarship", and 3 students including Wang Boxiang won the 2020 "national excellent agriculture and forestry scholarship". The winners took the prize and took a group photo.

President Li Kangju delivered a passionate speech at the opening ceremony. On behalf of all teachers, students and staff, he warmly welcomed the arrival of new students. He said that Shenyang Institute of technology takes the construction of the best applied technology university as its goal, and has been committed to providing high-quality learning and living environment for students. With the joint efforts of the whole school, we have a garden like campus, comfortable student dormitories, modern laboratories, national and provincial first-class majors, and many famous teachers. The school's teaching, management and service teams strive to escort the success of students. In Shenyang Institute of technology, students can find like-minded partners in numerous science and technology, culture and sports associations. They can realize their boundless creativity in college students' innovation and entrepreneurship team and the second classroom, and show themselves in national and provincial competitions. He put forward his ardent hope to the students, hoping that they can make full use of the good learning and living resources of the University, double cherish the university time, adhere to the ideal, down-to-earth, diligent in learning, dare to explore, dare to break through, enhance the altruistic spirit of dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress, start from their own behavior, be a high-quality college students, and strive to become moral, intellectual, physical, and beautiful All round development of socialist builders and successors.

Jin Xin, leader of intelligent science and technology major of School of information and control, delivered a speech as a teacher representative. She shared her sincere suggestions on college life with the 2020 freshmen: learn to manage time; learn to know the world; cultivate the spirit of innovation; and master three learning methods: autonomous learning, cooperative learning and experiential learning. On behalf of all the teachers, she promised to the students that she would love their posts and work hard, be strict with themselves, care for each student sincerely, be a good teacher and friend in the hearts of students, adhere to the school running philosophy of "people-oriented, learning for application", actively explore teaching reform, and spare no effort to shoulder the important responsibility and glorious mission of teaching and educating people.

Zhang Ying, a student from the school of economics and management, spoke on behalf of the students in the school. She shared her learning experience with all her younger brothers and sisters. She encouraged new students to always keep their enthusiasm for learning, make full use of the high-quality learning platform provided by the school, live up to the time, and become an excellent youth in the new era.

Kang Yinshi, a representative of 2020 freshmen and a student of mechanical engineering and automation college, delivered a speech at the ceremony, expressing his expectation and yearning for future university life. He said that in the next four years, we will live up to our mission. We will always encourage ourselves with the school spirit of "pursuing excellence, mutual assistance and altruism". We will work hand in hand to fight for our dreams and strive to grow into workers of Shen in the new era who can bear the responsibility of national prosperity and national rejuvenation.

The ceremony came to a successful end in the students' poem recitation "Shen Gong zhumeng Ren".

Translated of by Basic Courses Department

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