Our school holds the autumn graduates' double selection meeting in 2020

Release time:2021-01-02Source of articles:Browse times:

On October 16, the Shenyang Institute of Technology's Fall 2020 Graduates Double Election Meeting, co-sponsored by Shenyang Institute of Technology, Human Resources Bureau of Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone Management Committee, and China North Industries Group Co., Ltd., was held in the school gymnasium. More than 150 companies from all over the country came to recruit, including more than 20 of the top 500 companies and more than 40 listed companies. Recruiting companies have provided more than 6,000 high-quality jobs for students, and more than 2,000 students from our school participated in this double election.

The double-election meeting attracted China North Industries Group, China Academy of Aerospace Engineering, China Water Resources and Hydropower First Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Co., Ltd., Muyuan Food Co., Ltd., Shenyang Haolilai Industrial Development Co., Ltd., etc. Many well-known enterprises and institutions provide jobs covering all majors of our school. Among them, China North Industries Group brought its 16 companies to our school for the first time for recruitment. Fu Zhidong, head of recruitment of the group, said that the graduates trained by Shenyang Institute of Technology are very good. Many employees in the group are graduates of Shenyang Institute of Technology. Their practical ability and high comprehensive quality have been recognized by our company. , This year we specially put the campus recruitment stop to Shenyang Institute of Technology, bringing nearly a thousand positions, and we hope that more outstanding graduates will join our group. In addition, the 283 Plant of the Second Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation also participated in the job fair. Xu Guohan, deputy director of the No. 1 branch of the 283 Plant of the Second Academy of Aerospace Engineering of China, said that our company has cooperated with Shenyang Institute of Technology for nearly 10 years. Hundreds of graduates have come to our company for internships and work, and their performance is excellent. The backbone of the enterprise has taken up leadership positions. As a state-owned enterprise, we have also provided students with very competitive salary packages and very good promotion channels. This recruitment has brought nearly a hundred positions in Beijing, Hebei, Xinjiang, Heilongjiang and other places.

Our school is the only undergraduate college in the Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone. The demonstration zone attaches great importance to the employment of our school’s graduates. It holds a special job fair for our school to build a bridge between the enterprises in the district and students. Support and serve the talent training of our school. In this job fair, the Human Resources Bureau of the Management Committee of the Demonstration Zone carefully selected 37 companies from hundreds of companies in the region to provide our school students with many professional matching high-quality positions. Kong Fanhua, deputy director of the Human Resources Bureau of Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone, said that the demonstration zone is actively preparing in accordance with relevant national and provincial policies, and earnestly organizing multiple recruitments to do a good job in the employment of university graduates, especially the graduates of Shenyang Institute of Technology. In the future, we will continue to do our best to support the work of the school.

At this job fair, many students found their favorite jobs. Zhang Xingdong, a student from the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, majoring in mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, was the first student to successfully sign the contract at this job fair. He applied to the 283rd Plant of the China Aerospace Academy as an on-site engineer. He said that during my study at school, I participated in a number of innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. Among them, in the mechanical innovation design competition, I led the team to achieve good results in the provincial second prize. It is these competition results and excellent practical ability that have won the recognition of employers. Yan Shihuan, majoring in Ammunition Engineering and Explosive Technology from School of Energy and Water Conservancy, was the first to sign a contract with China North Industries Group at this job fair. Yan Shihuan said that my family is in Heilongjiang, and I always hope to contribute to the revitalization and development of the Northeast. This time I successfully applied for Heilongjiang North Tools Co., Ltd. of China North Industries Group. From now on, I will work hard in my position and strive to live up to the training of my alma mater.

In order to improve the degree of matching and employment success rate, our school has made careful preparations, released the double-election meeting appointment registration information through multiple channels, and increased the number of participating units and recruitment positions in terms of serving national strategies, subject and professional matching, and industry leadership. On the basis of ensuring that the recruitment conditions meet the characteristics of our school’s graduates, we will select the best to determine higher-quality jobs, and promote the matching of recruitment positions with our school’s majors. In addition, the school also provides a full range of humanized services for recruitment companies and job-seeking students, and invites Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone to set up a consultation desk at the job fair site to provide students with policy consultation, employment guidance, and employment assistance services. At the same time, in order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, the school distributed free masks to relevant personnel from recruiting companies and job-seekers at the job fair.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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