The First Meeting of the First Trade Union Member Congress of Shenyang Institute of Technology Was Successfully Held!

Release time:2020-11-07Source of articles:Browse times:

On October 29, the first meeting of the firstTradeUnionMemberCongress of Shenyang Institute of Technology was solemnlyheld. Teng Libo, chairman of Liaoning Education, Science, CultureHealth and Sports Union, attended the opening ceremony of the conference. 84 official representatives and 29 non voting representatives attended the meeting. Chen Gang, Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the meeting of the presidium. Vice President GongPiguo presided over the preparatory meeting, opening ceremony and closing ceremony of the Congress.

At the preparatory meeting and the first meeting of the presidium, Li Wenguo, vice secretary of the Party committee and vice president, made a report on the preparations for the conference. The General Assembly voted to adopt the report on the qualification of Representatives. The General Assembly deliberates and determines the agenda of the general assembly, the election methods of the general assembly, the list of candidates for members of the trade union committee, the fund review committee and the women's staff committee, and the list of directors and supervisors.

At 9:30, the meeting opened in the solemn and majestic national anthem.

Chen Gang extended warm congratulations on the opening of the conference and extended his high respect and cordial greetings to all the representatives and the staff of the university! He asked that the trade union of the university should make more contributions in enriching the cultural life of the staff, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the staff, mobilizing the enthusiasm of the staff, strengthening the construction of spiritual civilization on campus, and actively participating in the political discussion. He hoped that all the representatives would earnestly perform their duties with a high sense of responsibility and mission, take the development of the school as the top priority, pool strength, pool ideas and put forward more good policies, so as to push the school's work to a new level.

Teng Libo, on behalf of Liaoning provincialEducation, Science, Culture,Health and Sports Union, expressed warm congratulations on the opening of the conference. She pointed out that school leaders adhered to the people-oriented principle, conscientiously implemented the guiding principle of relying on teaching staff wholeheartedly, attached great importance to and vigorously supported trade union work, established and improved school trade union organizations, and gave full play to the role of trade union organizations. She hoped that the school's trade union organizations could closely focus on the center of the school's education reform and development take this conference as an opportunity, further improve the system of workers' Congress, actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of teaching and administrative staff, establish the idea of serving the masses of employees, continuously enhance the attraction and appeal of trade union organizations among the staff and workers, unite and mobilize the staff to participate in political discussion so as to achieve the overall goal of school reform and development.

Members of the first trade union committee, fund examination committee and women staff committee of Shenyang Institute of Technology were elected. Li Wenguo was elected chairman of the trade union, Bai Jing was elected vice chairman, Yang Yue was elected director of the trade union fund review committee, and Liang Shuang was elected director of the women's Staff Committee of the trade union.

At 11:20, after successfully completing the agenda of the conference, the closing ceremony of the first meeting of the first Trade Union Member Congress of Shenyang Institute of Technology was held in the library auditorium.

Li Wenguo, the newly elected president, stressed in his speech that the trade union of the university should grasp the development opportunity and deepen the reform of the trade union; we should strengthen the establishment of grass-roots trade unions and fully implement democratic management; the fundamental task of serving the staff and workers is to solve the most direct and realistic interest problems that all the staff are most concerned about, and to do good and practical things actively and solve problems for them.

In the majestic "International Song", the first meeting of the first TradeUnionMember Congress of Shenyang Institute of Technology was successfully concluded.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

Preparatory meeting of the first Congress of Trade Union Members of Shenyang Institute of Technology

The presidium meeting of the first Congress of Trade Union Members of Shenyang Institute of Technology

The first Congress of Trade Union Members of Shenyang Institute of Technology

Vice president Gong Piguo presiding over the meeting

Speech by Chen Gang, Secretary of the University Party Committee

Speech delivered by Teng Libo, chairman of Liaoning Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports Union

Election scene

Statement by newly elected chairman Li Wenguo

Group photo of representatives

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