The Successful Launch of the 3rd Walking Tour of Campus

Release time:2020-11-05Source of articles:Browse times:

The 3rd Walking Tour of Campus was held by the Union of Shenyang Institute of Technology on November 11, 2020. School leaders and more than 1000 faculty members from 9branch unions of the school participated in the activity. President Li Kangju delivered a speech and the ceremony was presided over by Bai Jing, vice chairman of the School Union.

President Li Kangju gave full recognition to the holding of the event. He pointed out that our school adheres to the "people-oriented" concept of running a school, and effectively improves the physical quality and health level of the staff by holding a series of cultural and sports activities. This activity is of great significance with the purpose of making the staff active, healthy and happy in the early winter. In the future, it is hoped that more such activities will be held by the School Union to form a good atmosphere for sports and exercises in the whole school.

Li Ling, a physical education teacher from the Department of Basic Courses, led everyone to do the warm-up before the start of the activity and explained to the staff the relevant precautions of walking briskly. The activity received a warm response from all thestaff. The whole journey started from Xuefeng Square, via the Pre-school Education College, Maple Leaf Restaurant, Bowen Building, LeiFeng Square, and the school library as the destinaton with about 4 kilometers.Participants communicated with each other while walking fast so as to exercise the body and enhance the emotional communication. The walking team formed a beautiful scenery line in the school. The volunteer servicethroughout the event was providedby the reserve students from the College of Energy and Water Conservancy.

The SchoolUnion issued a walking souvenir card for each participant in the activity with six exquisite seals stamped on the card during the walking process. The commemorative card was loved by thestaff and kept as a souvenir. At the end of the activity, the school distributed souvenirs to all the staff who participated in the activity. Teachers said that they were very happy to participate in the activity and hoped that the school would hold more similar cultural and sports activities to promote teachers to better get invloved in the construction and development of the school with healthy physique and abundant energy.

——Translated byBasic Courses Department

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