Professional Matchmaking Fair between Shenyang Institute of Technology and Belarusian National Technical University

Release time:2023-05-30Source of articles:Browse times:

On May 29, experts, form SIT and TBNT negotiated for the specific work of the cooperation project, so as to lay a solid foundation for in-depth cooperation between the two sides in more fields in the future at Room 709, library. Seleg Valery Konstantinovich Academician of the National University of Technology of Belarus, Volodyko Alexander Sergeyevich, expert in gas flame and plasma spraying, Alexander Sergeyevich, expert in laser technology and technology, Kravchuk Marina Anadorievna, assistant academician and senior lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology attended the meeting. President Li Kangju and Vice President Xu Ying warmly received Academician Seleg Valery Konstantinovich and his party.

Besides, the president extended a warm welcome to Academician Seleg Valery Konstantinovich and his entourage. Li pointed out that the Technology and Belarusian National Technical University is a very important friend of Shenyang Institute of Technology, and the cooperation between the two universities has achieved fruitful results. It is hoped that the two sides can make more obvious and substantial progress in the project and technical cooperation. Meanwhile, our university will make efforts to provide perfect services for academicians and experts during their work on campus. Also, Shen Fu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone has attached great importance and strong support to the cooperation.

Academician Seleg Valery Konstantinovich is full of confidence in the cooperation between the two universities. He said that he will make full use of the advanced technology of TBNT to provide all-round guidance on equipment in the Sino-Belarusian machinery parts hardening, repair, and protection innovation center carrying out technical exchanges, and giving better play to the role of the center. In particular, he conveyed the greetings of the President and first Vice-Chancellor of the State University of Technology of Belarus. The two principals fully affirmed the achievements of the cooperation between the two schools and hoped that the two sides would promote more in-depth cooperation.

During the meeting, Xu Ying gave a detailed answer related to work in SIT. Finally, Kravchuk Marina Anadolyevna will teach mechanical terminology to the students in "2+2" training program.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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