Our school and Belarus National Technical University experts, Shenfu Demonstration Zone Merchants Bureau Carry out discussions and exchanges

Release time:2023-05-31Source of articles:Browse times:

ring university with a century long history of education. Currently, it has cooperated with Shenyang Institute of Technology in undergraduate 2+2 training, teacher training, and other related fields. The university has advanced technological advantages in laser spraying and seed cultivation, and hopes to work together with Shenyang Institute of Technology and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the fOn May 30th, Zhang Bin, vice minister of the fourth Investment Promotion Department of Shenfu Demonstration Zone, Wei Chao, section chief of Industrial Innovation Bureau, and Dong Quanliang, project leader of Zhongke (Shenfu) Innovation Park were invited to visit our school and have a discussion and exchange with experts from our school and Belarus National Technical University on the expert workstation. President Li Kangju, Vice President Xu Ying, experts from Belarus National Technical University and leaders of relevant units attended the discussion.

At the symposium, Academician Schelege Valery Konstantinovich introduced the basic situation of the Belarusian National Technical University and the team. He stated that the National University of Technology of Belarus is a science and engineeavorable international relations between China and Belarus, Jointly apply for the National Natural Science Foundation project of China and Belarus. At the same time, we also hope that the Shenfu Demonstration Zone can provide support for professional cooperation and graduate training of the China White Innovation Center, and increase efforts to provide services to local small and medium-sized enterprises.Zhang Bin extended a warm welcome to experts from Belarus National Technical University who came to China to carry out their work, and said that the Shenfu Demonstration Zone would provide strong support to the academician team of Konstantinovich in foreign affairs services. Zhang Bin pointed out that the Shenfu Demonstration Zone will focus on the development of three leading industries, namely new materials, life health and high-end intelligent manufacturing, on the basis of the six previously determined leading industries, including new materials. In terms of new materials industry, the Institute of Metals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liaoning Hongyin Metal Co., Ltd., School of Metallurgy of Northeastern University, and the Provincial Institute of Light Industry have already been deployed. At the same time, for new materials and high-end intelligent manufacturing, The patent application fast review channel has been opened in the China National Intellectual Property Administration, and will continue to do a good job of academician team, talent introduction, industrial funds, equipment investment industrialization subsidies and tax incentives.

Li Kangju pointed out that the school attaches great importance to cooperation with the National Technical University of Belarus in fields such as education and teaching, practical training, talent cultivation, scientific research, teacher training, and technological breakthroughs. Through in-depth exchanges with the team of academicians Konstantinovich, operable construction ideas and frameworks have been provided for further cooperation between the two sides. We hope that the Shenfu Demonstration Zone can provide assistance and support in exploring policies related to the establishment of technology companies by both parties. The school will deepen intercollegiate cooperation, introduce the main technical products of the Belarusian National Technical University into China, and industrialize them to help the high-quality development of related industries in the Shenfu Demonstration Zone, and make greater contributions to promoting the sound and rapid development of Liaonings economy.

The Director ofthe Science and Technology Department, Liu Yefeng, reported on the construction of the Haizhi Expert Workstation. Volodyko Alexander Sergeyevich, an expert at the National Technical University of Belarus, introduced the technological advantages and promotion prospects of the schools industrial laboratory.

Before the symposium, Zhang Bin and his delegation visited the Innovation Center for Hardening, Repair, and Protection of White Mechanical Parts in our school.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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