The 2023 Student Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony were successfully held as scheduled

Release time:2023-06-20Source of articles:Browse times:

On June 21, 2023, the graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony for the 2023 students of our school were held at the gymnasium. Chairman Wang Zhaobao, specially invited guest Xu Rong, Chairman Assistant Wang Qinuo, school leaders Hu Xiaomei, Li Kangju, Gong Piguo, Shaoyu, Li Wenguo, Shi Wei, Liu Aiqiu, Xu Ying, Yang Xiuying, as well as heads of functional departments and colleges, teacher representatives and all counselors attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Zhou Yongchang, member of the Party Committee and head of the Student Department.

Principal Li Kangju, on behalf of the school, congratulated all graduates on their successful completion of their studies and guided them to reminisce about the four years of rich and colorful life in SIT with affectionate words. Li Kangju stated that during the three years of fighting against the epidemic, students have withstood the most severe tests, interpreting the responsibility and undertaking of SIT students through their actions. Through honing and moving, they have enriched their life experiences and realized the resilience and great love of the Chinese nation. These will also become valuable experiences in overcoming difficulties in their future life journey.

Li Kangju used three pieces of advice to escort SIT gradates who are about to embark on the journey of pursuing dreams. Firstly, work harder and think more, and no pains, no gains. Secondly, learning is the booster for career development, and we must persist in learning without laziness. Thirdly, all successful individuals have a resilient heart that can withstand frustrations and blows. I hope that students can continue to practice the SIT spirit of "pursuing excellence, mutual assistance, and altruism", have a sunny mindset with firm confidence, never give up, always maintain hope, bravely move forward without fear of difficulties, and contribute SIT's strength to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country.

Executive Vice President Gong Piguo announced the recognition decision for outstanding graduates from Liaoning Province, outstanding graduates from the school, and students of the Chuanding Scholarship in 2023. Wang Zhaobao awarded honorary certificates to outstanding graduates of Liaoning Province, Hu Xiaomei and Li Kangju awarded honorary certificates to outstanding graduates of the university, and the presidents of secondary colleges awarded Chuanding Scholarships.

Vice President Yang Xiuying read out the award decision, Li Kangju signed the graduation certificate and degree certificate, and all the school leaders put the head on the head of the Valedictorian to award the degree.

Guo Zihao, an outstanding graduate from Liaoning Province, Executive Chairman of the Student Union, and student party member, shared the wonderful time spent at SIT and expressed heartfelt gratitude for the thoughtful training provided by his Alma Mater.

Before the ceremony, teachers and his students of SIT sang the melody of youth, expressing their deep attachment to their Alma Mater and expressing their good wishes to the graduating students. Bradford Graeme, vocal director of Houghton Vocal Music Course of Harvard University, vocal music teacher of Brown University, and associate professor of vocal music of Berklee College of Music, sang excerpts of Don Quixote for the on-site teachers and students, which won warm applause.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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