Zhao Jinpeng, Secretary of the Fushun Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, and his entourage came to our school for investigation

Release time:2023-07-11Source of articles:Browse times:

On July 10, Hu Xiaomei, Secretary of the Party Committee, met with Zhao Jinpeng, Secretary of the Fushun Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, Zhao Guanglu, member of the Organisation Department of the Fushun Municipal Party Committee, and Zhang Xiaoguang and Hu Tianyu, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League. Li Wenguo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President, presided over the research symposium. Zhou Yongchang, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Youth League Committee, accompanied the investigation and introduced the work of the Communist Youth League of our school.

Hu Xiaomei, on behalf of the Party Committee of the school, welcomed the arrival of Zhao Jinpeng and his entourage, and expressed gratitude to the Fushun Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Organisation Department of the Fushun Municipal Party Committee for the care and support of the school. Hu Xiaomei said that the Party Committee of the school thoroughly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on youth work, earnestly studied and understood the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during the collective conversation with the members of the new leadership team of the Central Committee of the League, and the spirit of important instructions on party construction and organisational work, and strived to strengthen the The political guidance guides young students to firmly listen to the party's words and follow the party's political belief, and achieve remarkable results in educating people for the party and the country. It is hoped that the Municipal Party Committee of Fushun Youth League and the Organisation Department of the Municipal Party Committee will continue to care about and support the development of the school, help the school continuously improve the leadership, organisational and service of the League organisation, better unite the young generation around the Party, and make new contributions to the high-quality development of Liaoning.

Zhao Jinpeng thanked the Party Committee of the school for its strong support for the work of the Fushun Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, and fully affirmed the work of the Communist Youth League of our school. He pointed out that Shenyang Institute of Technology has always been one of the important positions in the work of the Fushun Communist Youth League. The Communist Youth League of Shenyang Institute of Technology has solid work, outstanding highlights and remarkable achievements. The Organisation Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Fushun Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League will jointly carry out the "double entry" work and build a platform for exchanges and cooperation between enterprises and universities.It is hoped that Shenyang Institute of Technology will give full play to its own advantages and make contributions to Fushun's comprehensive revitalisation of new breakthroughs. The Fushun Municipal Party Committee focussed on the three-year action goal of comprehensively revitalising the new breakthrough, and carried out the in-depth activity of "the party and the masses are rich together". In order to deepen this activity, the Organisation Department of the Fushun Municipal Party Committee will take the lead in holding the Fushun Famous and Excellent Products Exhibition to provide market, capital, talents, technology and other factors for the development of agricultural-related enterprises in Fushun. I hope that Shenyang Institute of Technology can provide more talents and technical support, accurately meet the needs of enterprises, and promote the common development of both schools and enterprises.

Zhao Guanglu said in the symposium that the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we must adhere to the principle that science and technology is the first productive force, talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force, deeply implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, Based on the practical needs of Fushun's comprehensive revitalisation of new breakthroughs, the Organisation Department of Fushun Municipal Party Committee actively builds a platform for talent training and exchange, and accelerates the effective gathering of various talent resources. Shenyang Institute of Technology has achieved fruitful results in talent training, scientific and technological innovation and other aspects,which is a valuable resource for Fushun. It is hoped that Shenyang Institute of Technology will give full play to the advantages of talents and scientific research, combine the actual development of Fushun, deepen the coordination of industry, university, research and use, and promote the revitalisation and development of Fushun with high-level cooperation.After the symposium, Zhao Jinpeng and his entourage, accompanied by Hu Xiaomei and Li Wenguo, visited the history museum of our school.Heads of relevant departments and representatives of party committee secretaries and league cadres of some second-level colleges attended the symposium.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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