Ning Xiansheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Ligong University , and Feng Yongxin, President, visited our school for inspection and exchange.

Release time:2023-08-18Source of articles:Browse times:

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and further deepen open education and practical cooperation, on August 16th, Ning Xiansheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Ligong University, and Feng Yongxin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President, visited our school for inspection and exchange. Chairman of the board Wang Zhaobao and Party Secretary Hu Xiaomei attended and delivered speeches at the exchange and cooperation symposium between the two universities. Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President Li Kangju presided over the symposium and delivered a speech. Yu Xibin, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Director of the Party and Government Office of Shenyang Ligong University, participated in the inspection and exchange.

Wang Zhaobao, on behalf of our school, warmly welcomed the visit of Ning Xiansheng and his delegation, expressed sincere gratitude to Shenyang Ligong University for its long-term strong support and assistance, and congratulated Shenyang Ligong University on its achievements in high-quality development. He said that in recent years, Shenyang Ligong University has deeply implemented the important discourse on education from General Secretary Xi Jinping, seized opportunities, and made fruitful achievements in the development of various undertakings of the school. The good experience, good practices, and strong entrepreneurial atmosphere of Shenyang Ligong University are worthy of our learning and reference. Shenyang Institute of Technology and Shenyang Ligong University are closely related, and the two schools have been conducting extensive cooperation and exchanges in talent cultivation, scientific research, social services, and other areas, forming a deep friendship. On the occasion of Shenyang Ligong University celebrating its 75th anniversary, we are willing to continue to work together with Shenyang Ligong University to further expand the scope of cooperation, continuously improve the level of cooperation, promote practical cooperation between both sides, and jointly make greater contributions to the comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning and new breakthroughs.

Ning Xiansheng, on behalf of Shenyang Ligong University, expressed sincere gratitude for the strong support and assistance provided by our school, and congratulated our school on the significant improvement of its management level in recent years and the outstanding achievements made in the rapid development of various undertakings. He introduced the remarkable achievements made by Shenyang Ligong University in recent years in achieving catch-up, surpassing, and rejuvenating glory, in teaching and research, subject construction, teaching staff, international exchange and cooperation, as well as the construction of educational facilities. He pointed out that the two universities had close exchanges, frequent teacher-student exchanges, and were comrade-in-arms and friendly partners, jointly bearing the responsibility of educating people for the Party and the country. In the new era and new journey, Shenyang Ligong University is willing to work hand in hand with Shenyang Institute of Technology to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, conscientiously implement the important speeches and instructions on the revitalization and development of Northeast China of General Secretary Xi Jinping, work together in party building and ideological and political work, talent cultivation, innovation and entrepreneurship, international exchanges, and other aspects, strengthen the characteristics of education, achieve complementary advantages, and jointly embark on a new journey of high-quality development, making new contributions to the steady promotion of Chinese path to modernization in Northeast China.

The person in charge of the Party and Government Office participated in the inspection and exchange.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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