Professor Qu Jianwu, a Model of the Times, Came to Our School to Give a Report

Release time:2023-08-18Source of articles:Browse times:

On July 26th, Professor Qu Jianwu, a “role model of the times”, a national excellent teacher, a national model of professional ethics, and a doctoral supervisor at Dalian Maritime University, was invited to give a report at our university titled “Focusing on Cultivating New People to Take on the Great Task of National Revitalization”. Hu Xiaomei, the Secretary of the School Party Committee, attended the report meeting, and Shao Yu, a member of the Party Committee and Vice President, presided over the report meeting. The Liaoning Vocational College Teachers' Quality Improvement Training Class students who are currently studying at our school, as well as all student counselors and teachers from the School of Marxism, attended the report meeting.

Professor Qu Jianwu is an advanced model that has emerged from the practice of strengthening and improving ideological and political work in universities and running socialist universities with Chinese characteristics, and is a teacher’s role model for moral education and talent cultivation. He adheres to ideological and political education as the foundation, guiding students to establish correct values and better grow and become talents. In class, he timely evaluates social hotspots and organically combines life with textbooks. Outside the classroom, he interacts with students through official account, etc., to timely grasp students' ideological trends and demands, and solve students’ ideological confusion. His class is never called, but there are no empty seats. Professor Qu Jianwu loves his school as his home and his students as his son. With his love for education, perseverance in ideological and political work, and concern for young students, he has composed a new era of praise for gardeners. He has been awarded titles such as “Model of the Times”, “Most Beautiful Struggler”,National Moral Model”,National Outstanding Teacher, “National Model of Teacher Ethics,”and "Annual Figure of National College Counselor.

Professor Qu Jianwu pointed out in his report that "university is an important stage that affects the direction of life, and an important period for establishing correct life values. Teachers have the responsibility to be a good guide for students’ growth and success, planting the seeds of truth, goodness, and beauty in students’ hearts, and guiding them to ‘buckle the first button of life’. Professor Qu Jianwu shared valuable experience and in-depth thinking on how to do a good job in student ideological and political work, from aspects such as firm ideals and beliefs, grasping the laws of success, down-to-earth work, educating and guiding students, and cherishing kindness. He encouraged teachers to care for and care for students, adhere to the principles of moral standing, moral learning, and moral education, help students establish correct values, and carry out ideological and political work in the hearts of students, setting the right direction for them Illuminate the way forward, continuously enhance the sense of happiness and achievement in life through moral education, be the companion and leader of students' life paths, and focus on cultivating new generations who take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation.

The report is profound and deeply moving. The attending teachers expressed their deep sense of responsibility and glorious mission after attending a wonderful, vivid, and touching ideological and political course.We should carefully study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discourse on education, take Professor Qu Jianwu as an example, stick to our original aspiration, and take root in the education cause with true feelings and dedication, making new contributions to accelerating the construction of an educational power and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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