The Second Congress of the Communist Youth League of Shenyang Institute of Technology was Held Successfully!

Release time:2023-10-27Source of articles:Browse times:

On October 26th, the Second Congress of the Communist Youth League of Shenyang Institute of Technology was held successfully in the library lecture hall. Ge Xiaoou, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Provincial Committee, attended the opening meeting of the conference and delivered a speech. Hu Chengbo, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Education Working Committee and Director of the Ideological and Political Work Department of the Provincial Education Department, attended the opening meeting. Hu Xiaomei, Secretary of the School Party Committee, delivered a speech on behalf of the School Party Committee at the opening meeting. Li Kangju, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President, and Zhou Yongchang, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President, attended the meeting. Youth League secretaries from 14 universities including Shenyang Ligong University and Shenyang Agricultural University were invited to attend the opening ceremony. 193 representatives should have attended the meeting. 192 representatives were present, meeting the required number of representatives.

At the opening meeting, Ge Xiaoou, on behalf of the "Youth League Provincial Committee", warmly congratulated the convening of the conference and fully affirmed the achievements of the Communist Youth League of Shenyang Institute of Technology in recent years. Ge Xiaoou pointed out that Shenyang Institute of Technology is a young university with excellent culture and a good school spirit. Under the correct leadership of the Party Committee, the Youth League Committee of the school, based on the characteristics of the school, keeps pace with the times, explores and innovates, closely revolves around the current situation and the central work of the school, and strives to explore new ideas and measures for the work of the Youth League in universities under the new situation. It summarizes the new characteristics of Youth League building, explores the new laws of Youth League building, and plays an important role in promoting the comprehensive growth and success of young students. Ge Xiaoou emphasized that youth is the future of a country and the hope of a nation. The younger generation should seize historical opportunities, strengthen confidence, enhance self-awareness, bravely become pioneers and devotees at the forefront of the times, and strive to create brilliant achievements that are worthy of the Party, the people, and the times. Young members of the Youth League should firmly adhere to their ideals and beliefs, refine their noble character, and strive to be the pioneers of the times. All levels of Youth League organizations should bear in mind their mission, continuously enhance their own construction, and create a new situation in the work of the Communist Youth League. League cadres should clarify their responsibilities and strive to serve the growth and success of young students. The youth members of the Youth League should work hard and courageously forward, not disappoint the youth, the times, and the people, and run hard on the track of youth, striving to achieve the best results of contemporary youth.

In her speech, Hu Xiaomei warmly congratulated the convening of the conference, extended sincere greetings to the entire school's youth, all members of the Communist Youth League, and the vast number of League cadres, and expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, leaders of the Provincial Youth League Committee, and sister colleges who have long been concerned about and supported the development of the school's cause. After fully recognizing the achievements of the school Youth League Committee, Hu Xiaomei said that the important speech of General Secretary during the collective conversation with members of the new leadership group of the Central Committee of the Youth League was a guiding document for guiding the Communist Youth League and youth work in the new era, promoting the Chinese youth movement, pointing out the direction for the new era of Chinese youth movement and youth work and providing a fundamental guidance.

The school Youth League Committee should prioritize the strengthening of political guidance for the vast number of Youth League members and youth, and guide them to seriously study and understand the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping. We should make the central task of the Party the theme and direction of youth work, and encourage League members and young people to firmly adhere to the Party's words and follow the Party's footsteps as the foundation and political soul. We should make good use of the resources and channels provided by the Party, truthfully report the temperature of the youth to the Party, fully convey the warmth of the Party to the youth, and unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, demonstrating greater responsibility and achievements in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era.

Huang Yue, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Shenyang Ligong University, delivered a speech on behalf of the Communist Youth League organizations of sister universities at the opening ceremony, expressing warm congratulations on the convening of the conference. She hopes that in the future, the two schools can further strengthen communication and cooperation, exchange knowledge, complement each other, create a better future, and write a magnificent chapter together, making greater contributions to the further development of the work of the Communist Youth League.

On behalf of the first committee of Shenyang Institute of Technology of the Communist Youth League, Gao Chao, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the school, delivered a work report titled "Holding High the Flag, Following the Party, Upholding Responsibility, and Moving Forward, Uniting and Leading the Youth League Members to Contribute Wisdom and Strength to Building the Best Applied University" to the conference. The report summarizes the main achievements of the school's Communist Youth League since the first congress of Shenyang Institute of Technology, scientifically analyzes the new situation and mission faced by the school's Communist Youth League in the new era, and clarifies the future goals and key tasks of the school's Communist Youth League work.

According to the meeting agenda and election methods, the meeting reviewed and approved the "Report on the Work of the First Committee of the Communist Youth League Shenyang Institute of Technology" and the "Report on the Collection, Management, and Use of League Fees". All representatives fully discussed and conspired with Shenyang Institute of Technology for the new development of the Communist Youth League cause during the meeting. After democratic voting, the second committee of Shenyang Institute of Technology of the Communist Youth League, consisting of 21 members, was elected.

Wu Mingming, Director of the School Department of the Provincial Youth League Committee, Liu Yang, Director of the Party and Government Office of our school, Qu Yi, Minister of the Party Committee Propaganda Department, and secretaries of the Youth League committees of various colleges attended the opening ceremony and took seats on the podium. The heads of relevant functional departments of the school, as well as the party secretaries and deputy secretaries of each college, attended the meeting. The opening meeting was presided over by Chen Pengfei, Deputy Secretary of the School Youth League Committee.

After the closing meeting, the second committee of the Communist Youth League Shenyang Institute of Technology held its first plenary meeting and elected the standing committee members, secretary, and deputy secretary of the second committee of the Communist Youth League Shenyang Institute of Technology.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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