University Leaders and the Teachers of the School of Marxism having for a Discussion

Release time:2023-10-27Source of articles:Browse times:

On October 24th, Hu Xiaomei, secretary of the Party Committee of ouruniversity, and Li Kangju, president ofthe university, had a face-to-face discussion with ideological and political teachers, and presented prizes to Liu Lingling, Wang Lu and Wang Sai, who won the first prize and third prize in the Ideological and Political Theory Teaching Competition in Liaoning Province. Xu Jun, president of the School of Marxism, presided over the symposium.

The school leaders gave full affirmation to the work of the School of Marxism, pointing out that ideological and political courses are the key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and educating people, and are an important guarantee for training socialist builders and successors. To run ideological and political courses is inseparable from a high-quality professional ideological and political course teachers with excellent political quality, excellent professional ability and superb education level.It’shopedthat all ofother teacherswill follow the example of the award-winning teachers, deeply study and understand the six requirements proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, adhere to the principle of strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking, wide vision, strict self-discipline and positive personality, and take this as the direction of efforts to improve your quality and level. We should be good at guiding students to set up correct ideals and beliefs, learn the correct thinking method, with a broad knowledge vision, international vision, historical vision to explain some truth clearly, clear, do class and class, online and offline, consciously as an example to learn, become a person that students love.

Liu Lingling and other teachers said in the discussion that teaching ideological and political courses requires high comprehensive quality of teachers. Only by constantly preparing lessons and constantly speaking lectures can they achieve better teaching results.It’s needed tostudyearnestly and practice Marxism, consciously arm our minds with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, effectively guide students to learn, understand, believe and use, and strive to be qualified ideological and political teachers with firm faith, profound knowledge and profound theoretical foundation, so as to make ideological and political courses a warm course.

At the symposium, Xu Jun briefly introduced the basic situation, achievements and existing problems of the School of Marxism. Theuniversityleaders listened carefully to the opinions and suggestions of teacher representatives Jiao Xinyi, Gao Wei and Gao Yang on the training of teachers' teaching ability, the construction of teaching team and the establishment of scientific research team, and said that they would study and solve the problems of the establishment of ideological and political course practice teaching base as soon as possible.

Liu Yang, director of the Party and government office, and Quyi, minister of the Party Committee propaganda Department, attended the symposium.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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