Teachers from the School of Marxism of SIT Went to Yan’an for Training

Release time:2023-07-26Source of articles:Browse times:

In order to further study and implement the Xi Jinping new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, to further strengthen the construction of ideological and political theory courses, and to improve the theoretical quality of teachers of ideological and political courses, the party committee of Shenyang Institute of Technology organized 44 teachers of the School of Marxism to go to Yan’an, and held a special training course with the theme of “continuing the red bloodline and inheriting the spirit of struggle”. Party Secretary Hu Xiaomei attended the class opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Professor Han Dongfeng, former Vice President of the Yan’an Municipal Party School, delivered a speech at the class opening ceremony and awarded the class flag to the training class.

Hu Xiaomei said in her speech that ideological and political courses are key courses for implementing the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people. The role of ideological and political courses cannot be replaced, and teachers of ideological and political courses have a significant responsibility.Tell the story of the Party well, and use the great spirit of Party building and Yan’an spirit to inspire young students to firmly listen to and follow the Party, and grow into builders and successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

During the seven day study, the teachers of ideological and political education carefully listened to lectures such as “The 13th Year of the CPC Central Committee in Yan’an”, “Interpretation of the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC” and other special topics taught by experts from China’s Yan’an Cadre College, reviewed the oath of joining the Party on Mount Baota, and visited the former homes of Mao Zedong and other older revolutionaries and the Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Hall The Northwest Bureau Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Yan’an Beijing Educated Youth Memorial Hall, Lu Yi Literature Memorial Hall, Nanniwan Mass Production Memorial Hall, Yan’an Learning Academy, Eighth Route Army Xi’an Office Memorial Hall, Xi’an Incident Memorial Hall, and other places are offering flower baskets to revolutionary martyrs at the “April 8th” Martyrs Cemetery.

In Liangjiahe Village, Yanchuan County, teachers of Civics and Political Science visited the Village History Museum, Zhiqing Well, Zhiqing Courtyard, reviewing the seven years of young Xi Jinping in Liangjiahe, comparing the changes of Liangjiahe today and in the past, deeply feeling the original heart of General Secretary Xi Jinping for the people's well-being, the spirit of the pursuit of truth, the style of burying their heads and working hard and the will to overcome the obstacles, tracing the original heart of the People’s Leader, and stimulating the confidence in the forward movement.

Xu Jun, the dean of the School of Marxism, stated during his studies that Yan’an is the holy land of the Chinese revolution and the cradle of the New China. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the older generation of revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong lived and fought in Yan’an for 13 years, leading the Chinese revolutionary cause from low tide to high tide, achieving a historic turning point, and reversing China’s future and destiny. Yan’an nourished the CPC with grains and grains, and supported the Chinese revolution to victory. Yan’an and its people have made tremendous contributions to the revolutionary cause of China, and we must always remember them.

Yang Fan, Vice Dean of the School of Marxism, said that the former site of the Yan’an Revolution witnessed the glorious process of our party leading the Chinese revolution and exploring the sinicization and modernization of Marxism during the Yan’an period, and is an endless book to read.

Young teachers such as Tang Jun and Wang Lu stated that ideological and political education teachers bear the responsibility of spreading knowledge, ideas, truth, shaping souls, shaping lives, and shaping new people. They should sow the seeds of truth, goodness, and beauty in students' hearts, and guide them to buckle the first button in life. The glorious tradition and excellent work style formed and promoted by our party during the Yan’an period, as well as the Yan’an spirit, which is mainly composed of a firm and correct political direction, an ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, a fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and an entrepreneurial spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle, are precious spiritual assets of the party and must be inherited.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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