Wang Shaoyuan, Director of the Institute of Higher Education at Liaoning University, and a delegation visited our university for research.

Release time:2023-07-14Source of articles:Browse times:

On July 13th, a delegation led by Wang Shaoyuan, the director of the Institute of Higher Education at Liaoning University, and Li Yuhua, the secretary of the direct party branch, visited our university for research and conduct discussions and exchanges on intercollegiate cooperation between the two sides. President Li Kangju and vice-chancellor Yang Xiuying warmly received Wang Shaoyuan and her delegation.

Li Kangju, on behalf of the school, welcomed the arrival of Wang Shaoyuan and her delegation. He briefly introduced the school's educational philosophy, characteristics, and achievements. He emphasized the achievements of our school as an applied university in terms of scientific research, entrepreneurship and innovation education, school enterprise cooperation, student employment, and expressed appreciation for the development achievements of the Institute of Higher Education of Liaoning University. Li Kangju stated that the school has long attached great importance to intercollegiate cooperation and vigorously promoted relevant policies. He hopes that in the future, both sides will closely cooperate and work together in scientific research, teacher training, and other aspects to continuously improve the level of higher education research and assist in the revitalization and development of Liaoning.

Wang Shaoyuan expressed gratitude for the warm reception from our university. She briefly introduced the development process of the Institute of Higher Education at Liaoning University, and highly praised our application-oriented university's educational goals and people-oriented educational philosophy. She hopes to provide scientific research and academic support for the characteristic development of private universities through communication and cooperation between both parties.

At the meeting, both parties also exchanged opinions on specific cooperation matters such as undergraduate cross school studies, joint training of master's students, course resource construction, and student internships, and reached a preliminary consensus on cooperation.

The leaders of our school's Academic Affairs Office, Science and Technology Department, and relevant colleges participated in the symposium.

Before the symposium, Wang Shaoyuan and her delegation visited the School History Museum, the Experimental Center of the School of Economics and Management, the Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Museum, the student apartment, and the Lexue Restaurant.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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