The ideological and political education practice base of our school was unveiled in the Lei Feng Memorial Hall in Fushun City

Release time:2024-03-02Source of articles: Browse times:

   Hu Xiaomei, Secretary of the school party committee, and Shi Xiaoyun, curator of Fushun Lei Feng Memorial Hall, attended the event and spoke, and jointly unveiled the base.

   Hu Xiaomei thanked Lei Feng Memorial Hall for its support to the school over the years in her speech, and pointed out that Shenyang Institute of Technology, as a Lei Feng-style school, has always grasped the connotation and practical requirements of Lei Feng spirit, and adhered to the education and guidance of teachers and students to integrate learning Lei Feng activities into daily life and into regular activities. Learning Lei Feng has become a trend among teachers and students.

   Shi Xiaoyun said that this year is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Fushun Lei Feng Memorial Hall. The two sides jointly built the ideological and political education practice base to build a bridge for both sides to give full play to their respective advantages, common development, common improvement and resource complementarity.The two sides will form an industry-university-research and have carried out a series of ideological and political education, scientific research topic selection, academic exchange, and cultural project cooperation, and continue to broaden channels and deepen cooperation, using Lei Feng's cultural connotation to serve the training of college and university personnel, strengthening the depth of Lei Feng spirit research by using the strength of colleges and universities, and enriching the form of Lei Feng culture. After the unveiling ceremony, more than 40 teachers and students held the "first lesson" activity in Lei Feng Memorial Hall with the theme of "carrying on Lei Feng's spirit and striving to achieve dreams". Under the guidance of the narrator, they reviewed Lei Feng's growth process, sweep Lei Feng's tomb, and deeply learned the formation process of Lei Feng's spirit.

    Fushun Lei Feng Memorial Hall has cooperated with our school for many years. In 2020, it guided and helped our school to establish the Lei Feng Memorial Hall Shenyang Institute of Technology Exhibition Hall and Lei Feng Spirit Education Base of Shenyang Institute of Technology, and successfully explored a new mode of school-museum cooperation to carry forward Lei Feng's spirit.

   Qu Yi, director of the publicity department of the school Party committee, Xu Jun, president of the Marxism College, Zhu Dahai and Xu Tong, deputy directors of Fushun Lei Feng Memorial Hall, attended the activity.

(Written by Zhang Qian; Photo by Guan Tianqi; Proofread by Li Jing; Reviewed by Qu Yi)

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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