Liu Guanglin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Agricultural University, led a delegation to the school to promote in-depth cooperation

Release time:2024-03-05Source of articles:Browse times:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the national and provincial education work conferences, and further deepen the open education and pragmatic cooperation, on March 5, Liu Guanglin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Agricultural University, and Li Bin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shenyang Agricultural University, visited our university for inspection and exchange. School leaders Hu Xiaomei, Li Kangju, Gong Piguo, Shao Yu, Shi Wei, Liu Aiqiu, Xu Ying, and Yang Xiuying participated in the discussion and exchange. Tian Aimin, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and director of the Party and Government Office of Shenyang Agricultural University, participated in the inspection and exchange.

On behalf of the university, Hu Xiaomei extended a warm welcome to Liu Guanglin and his entourage, expressed her heartfelt thanks to Shenyang Agricultural University for its long-term strong support and help to our university, and congratulated Shenyang Agricultural University on its excellent achievements in high-quality development. She said that Shenyang Institute of Technology originated from Shenyang Agricultural University, and the two schools have a common origin and bloodline, and have carried out cooperation and exchanges in many aspects such as talent training, mutual employment of teachers, and social services over the years, and have achieved fruitful results and formed a deep friendship. Shenyang Institute of Technology will unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast the soul and educate people, continue to consolidate, deepen and expand the achievements of theme education, and hope to further enhance the level of cooperation with Shenyang Agricultural University, continuously expand the field of cooperation, promote cooperation to go deeper and more practical, work together to achieve the goal of high-quality development, and jointly serve the province to win the battle of the year.

On behalf of Shenyang Agricultural University, Liu Guanglin expressed his heartfelt thanks to our university for its strong support and help, and congratulated our university on the significant improvement of the level of school management and the outstanding results achieved in the rapid development of various undertakings. He pointed out that since the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement in 2022, the two sides have carried out close cooperation in strengthening the joint training of graduate students, promoting mutual employment of teachers, and promoting collaborative innovation. It is hoped that the two universities will go hand in hand in the new era and new journey, thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions on the revitalization and development of Northeast China, vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators, give full play to the characteristics of running schools, broaden the field of cooperation, and provide strong intellectual support and talent support for the construction of the "six regions" in the new era.

Accompanied by Hu Xiaomei and Li Kangju, Liu Guanglin and Li Bin visited the Intelligent Manufacturing Training Center, Robot Training Center, Sino-Russian International Joint Laboratory of Food Biotechnology, Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration for the Prevention and Control of Dangerous Pests in Northeast China Forestry and Grassland, Joint Innovation Center of Inspur Industrial Internet College and Training Center of Preschool Education College.

Zhao Yongji, Director of the Teacher Work Department and Director of the Personnel Department of the Party Committee of Shenyang Agricultural University, Liu Wenhe, Director of the Academic Affairs Office, Liu Yang, Director of the Party and Government Office of Shenyang Agricultural University, Qu Yi, Director of the Propaganda Department, Fu Junfan, Director of the Academic Committee, Zhao Yuan, Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wang Jiaqing, Dean of the School of Life Engineering, and Li Xiaobo, Dean of the School of Information and Control, accompanied the inspection.

Translated by Basic courses Department

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