Launch Ceremony Was Organized in SIT to Deepen the Integration of Production and Education to Serve School-enterprise Cooperation in "Belt and Road" and Education and Teaching Reform Forum on "Professional + Language"

Release time:2023-12-07Source of articles:Browse times:

On December 6, our school held the launch ceremony of deepening the school-enterprise cooperation of the "Belt and Road" integration of production and education and the "Professional + Language" education and teaching reform Forum. Yu Hongjiang, second-level Inspector of the Provincial Department of Education, Xu Aidong, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Li Ying, second-level inspector of Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone, Xiao Xue, Executive President and chief engineer of Inspur Group, Chairman of Inspur Yunzhou Industrial Internet, Song Zhigang, Deputy general manager of Inspur Yunzhou Industrial Internet, Zhang Bo, General manager of Inspur Innovation Technology Co., LTD., Jiang Rongliang, Vice president of Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., LTD., Liu Chunshi, Vice president of General Technology Group Shenyang Machine Tool Co., LTD., Bao Junshan, General manager of Education industry of Shenyang Siasun Robot Automation Co., LTD., Wang Zhaobao, Chairman of our school, Hu Xiaomei, Party Secretary, Li Kangju, Principal, Vice Presidents Gong Peiguo, Shao Yu, Shi Wei, Liu Aiqiu, Xu Ying, Yang Xiuying and Zhou Yongchang attended the event. The event was presided over by Vice President Gong PI Guo.

Yu Hongjiang pointed out in his speech that for a long time, Shenyang Institute of Technology has focused on serving the needs of Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization and development, closely docking the needs of economic and social development, deepening the reform of education and teaching, adjusting and optimizing the layout of majors, strengthening school-enterprise collaboration in education, actively building an international education exchange and cooperation platform, and promoting school-enterprise complementary advantages, benign cooperation and common development. Build a "professional + language" international education cooperation brand, expand the "professional + language" talent training channels, cultivate compound talents, and carry out services and technical support for countries along the "Belt and Road". Positive results have been achieved in deepening school-enterprise cooperation, international exchanges and cooperation. The Provincial Department of Education will continue to support the work of Shenyang Institute of Technology. It is hoped that the university can seize the historical opportunity, base on the new journey and new starting point, cooperate with more enterprises and support each other, accelerate the training of high-level international talents urgently needed by the local economy and society, refine the new experience of school-enterprise collaborative education, and create a new model of in-depth cooperation between universities and enterprises.

Xu Aidong pointed out in his speech that in recent years, Shenyang Institute of Technology has made gratifying achievements in integrating scientific and technological innovation into the construction of the "Belt and Road". It is hoped that Shenyang Institute of Technology will bear in mind the original intention of developing science and technology and serving local economic and social development, combine the needs of Shen-Fu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone and even Liaoning's industrial development, meet the major needs of manufacturing industries in countries along the "Belt and Road", give full play to the advantages of the university's disciplines, platforms, scientific research and talents, and promote the effective docking of science and technology and economy. Scientific and technological achievements can better serve industrial transformation and upgrading, actively promote the integration of industry and education, science and education, and contribute to Liaoning's building of a hub of open cooperation in Northeast Asia.

In her speech, Li Ying pointed out that the event is a powerful measure to implement XI's important instruction of promoting the deep integration of production, learning, research and application, and promoting high-quality development with high-level innovation, is also the implementation of the provincial party committee and Provincial Government to comprehensively revitalize the three-year action. University is one of the mission of the times. Under the background of the "Belt and Road" initiative, the Shenyang Institute of Technology has established itself on the basis of the prominent advantages of the discipline, the concentration of talents, the concentration of various kinds of information, the concentration of innovative elements, and the rich achievements in scientific research, actively Belt and Road and integrate into the development of "Business", through cooperation with relevant enterprises, training with an international perspective of applied skills.

In her speech, Xiao Xue said that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the digital economy has injected strong momentum into the development of "Belt and Road". It is a milestone for Shenyang Institute of Technology to set up an industry-education amalgamation consortium with Wave Yunzhou and wave innovation, and to set up a joint innovation center of Industrial Internet Institute to promote educational innovation of dual system. In the future, it will deepen the integration and cooperation with Shenyang Institute of Technology to build a high-quality digital talent team and serve the construction of "Belt and Road".

Jiang Rongliang, in his speech, said that the signing of the school-enterprise cooperation contract and the completion of the base marked a substantial step forward in scientific research and development, transfer of technological innovation achievements, etc. . Focus on increasing demand to increase supply. Industry-university cooperation, extend education chain, service industry chain, support supply chain, build talent chain, promote value chain. Huazhong CNC will further deepen the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, for students to practice, training, employment to provide more space and conditions, to enhance students' hands-on practical ability, to enhance students' ability to participate in social competition and serve the local economic and social development of high quality.

The principal, Li Kangju, said that this event is an important measure to promote educational and teaching reform and improve the quality of talent supply, it is a concrete manifestation of responding to the national strategy and serving the construction of the “Belt and Road”. It is also an important attempt to speed up the realization of in-depth cooperation between schools and enterprises. Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co. , Ltd. and our university jointly build service “Belt and Road” order class, and build high-level numerical control technology application laboratory, the joint training of high-quality “Professional + Russian” talents with international application of NC technology, which is urgently needed by the industry, has opened up a new idea for our school to serve the “Belt and Road” initiative. Hope to take this event as an opportunity to further close the cooperation between industry enterprises and our school, deepen the integration of industry and education.

On that day, Shenyang Institute of Technology and Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co. , Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement between the university and enterprises to jointly build the “Belt and Road class” of Shenyang-huazhong numerical control, shenyang Institute of Technology was established to serve the “Belt and Road” high-quality application-oriented talents training base, jointly training the industry needs “Professional + Russian” high-quality application-oriented talents. Based in Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co. , Ltd. , to carry out staff training, “Belt and Road” along the national technical staff, and carry out the joint training of students in China. Both schools and enterprises to jointly develop the curriculum, the preparation of teaching materials, as order-class students and technical staff of teaching resources. The first order class has been completed in September this year, 39 students have started to study. Russian university teachers to order classes of students in Russian training, Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co. , Ltd. . Engineers to the students for practical training. In the future, order class graduates will go to Russia, Belarus and other countries engaged in high-end CNC technology-related work.

At the Launch Ceremony, Shenyang Institute of Technology and Wave Yunzhou, Wave Innovation and Technology Co. , Ltd. signed a school-enterprise cooperation agreement. The two sides will cooperate closely in personnel training, professional construction, scientific research and practical training, and work together to train high-quality application-oriented personnel. The joint innovation center of the Wave Industry Internet College of Shenyang Institute of Technology was inaugurated. The Joint Innovation Center has a total area of more than 6,800 square meters in five floors, and about 1,500 square meters was used in the first phase of construction, under the Industrial Internet cognitive experience center, the Industrial Internet Intelligent Control Laboratory, the Industrial Internet Digital Twin Laboratory, the Industrial Internet miniature production line laboratory four special training areas, focusing on innovative technology research and development, to provide students with the actual industry closely integrated training platform. The center introduces the concept of full connection of industrial internet, follows the principle of integration of hardware and software in the edge of cloud network, and deploys new intelligent devices and products, let students carry out the operation training and practice of the new industrialization driven by data and new-type intelligent devices to improve their comprehensive quality and employment competitiveness. Relying on the center, schools and enterprises jointly optimize the talent training program, reform the teaching model, build core courses, build training bases, carry out teacher training, joint research and so on.

The center introduces real enterprise cases, through real projects to do, school and enterprise double tutorial system, so that students receive advanced industrial Internet technology training and practice, master the latest technology of Industrial Internet, such as Big Data, logo analysis, network interconnection and platform construction, so as to improve their comprehensive quality and employment competitiveness. At the same time, for outstanding graduates to provide waves of Yunzhou and eco-enterprise internship opportunities. Depending on the construction of the center, the two-way exchange mechanism between college and enterprise personnel will be established to realize the two-way exchange between industry experts and college experts, and create a team to master new equipment, new technology and new technology, with theoretical teaching and practical teaching and other capabilities of high-quality, professional“Double-qualified” teachers.

Shenyang Institute of Technology actively serves the “Belt and Road” initiative, to carry out exchanges and cooperation with universities in the countries along the “Belt and Road” in such areas as teacher training, personnel training, scientific research cooperation, co-construction of laboratories and cultural exchanges. Under the “Belt and Road” initiative, a large number of high-end CNC, industrial interconnection, auto manufacturing and other key core technologies of our own brand enterprises in the “Belt and Road” and other countries to set up joint ventures, factories, opened up a huge market, it is urgent to train a large number of“Professional + language” compound high-quality application-oriented personnel. Facing the new historical opportunities, our school acted quickly, cooperated with related enterprises, deepened the integration of industry and education, set up order classes and built a talent training base. Our School will also take this event as an opportunity to promote the“Specialty + language” education and teaching reform, to train the industry's shortage of talent, to promote high-quality employment of students, and to open a new era of development of application-oriented colleges and universities, china's technology to the world.

At the "Specialty+Language" Education and Teaching Reform Forum, domestic and foreign experts from Russia, Wuhan, Dalian, Shenyang and other places in China gathered together to conduct academic exchanges and discussions on topics such as accelerating the integration into the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", promoting the innovative application of industry and education integration in the training of high-quality application-oriented talents under the cooperation between schools and enterprises, and promoting the reform and development of education and teaching. After the conference, there was also an art performance for students from Shenyang Institute of Technology and Russia's Post Baikal National University, "Jointly building the the Belt and Road and creating a better future". Students from both China and Russia performed wonderful programs with different national characteristics to exchange culture and enhance friendship.

After the launching ceremony, the participants visited the intelligent manufacturing training base, the intelligent high-speed five axis training base, the joint innovation center of Inspur Industrial Internet College of Shenyang Institute of Technology, and the training center of Preschool Education College.

(Author/Zhang Qian Image/Guan Tianqi, Li Ruoqi, Ding Shengzhe Proofread/Li Han Review/Quyi)

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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