The Eighth Tour Supervision Group of the Provincial Party Committee visited our school to conduct research and guide theme education

Release time:2023-12-11Source of articles:Browse times:

In order to further promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, on December 8, Zhao Man, leader of the Eighth Circuit Supervision Group of the Provincial Party Committee's Theme Education and Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee of the Provincial Organs, visited our school for research and guidance. Hu Xiaomei, Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, and Li Kangju, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the school, reported on the development of theme education and accompanied the investigation.

Zhao Man fully affirmed the progress and achievements of theme education in our school. He stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously study and implement Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions on theme education, conscientiously implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee, and do all the work well with a high sense of political responsibility and mission. It is necessary to further meet the requirements of quasi-goals, thoroughly understand the spiritual essence, grasp the practical requirements, and ensure the correct direction of theme education; Further promote leaders to take the lead and ensure that the "key minority" drives the "vast majority"; Further highlight the problem orientation, do a solid job in inspection and rectification, and continue to promote the theme education to achieve solid results.

Zhao Man and his entourage came to the Lei Feng spirit education base of our school, and listened to the special party class entitled "Practicing the Spirit of Lei Feng and Striving to Be the Pioneer of the Times", and spoke highly of our school's insistence on inheriting the spirit of Lei Feng as an important part of establishing morality and cultivating people. He said: This year marks the 60 th anniversary of the inscription of Comrade Lei Feng by Mao Zedong and other revolutionaries of the older generation. No matter how the times change, the spirit of Lei Feng will never go out of style. It is hoped that Shen Gong will continue to deeply integrate the spirit of Lei Feng into the whole process and all aspects of education, teaching and talent training, so that learning from Lei Feng will become a common practice among young students, and learning from Lei Feng activities will be integrated into daily life and become regular.

Bai Jing, member of the Party Committee and Minister of Organization, accompanied the investigation and taught special Party lessons. More than 30 student Party members and activists from the College of Information and Control participated in the Party class.

(Writer/Bai Jing Photo/Guan Tianqi Proofreader/Wu Nannan Reviewer/Hu Xiaomei)

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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