The European and American Alumni Association (Overseas-educated Scholars Association) of Shenyang Institute of Technology was formally established

Release time:2023-07-13Source of articles:Browse times:

In order to deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the work of overseas students and important instructions and instructions back to the spirit of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the European Union and American Alumni Association, on June 30th, the founding conference of Shenyang Institute of Technology European and American Alumni Association (Overseas-educated Scholars Association) was held in the Library 205 Lecture Theatre. Yang Xiaopeng, full-time deputy secretary-general of Shenyang European and American Alumni Association and Overseas-educated Scholars Association, and Hu Xiaomei, secretary of the Party committee of the university, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Vice President Li Wenguo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, attended the meeting. Vice-president Xu Ying attended the meeting and spoke as the newly-elected president of the Association.

The meeting considered and adopted the "Election Method for the first General Meeting of European and American Alumni Association (Overseas-educated Scholars Association) of Shenyang Institute of Technology (draft)". By a show of hands, Xu Ying was elected President of the first Council of the European and American Students Association (Overseas-educated Scholars Association); Wu Qiong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of the School of Economics and Management, was elected Vice-president; Zhang Danhua, Wang Lu was elected Secretary-general; Yao Moyao, Lv Xiaomeng, Qijunbo, Song Nan, Zhang Peng, Li Jingrong, Li Ting, Tian Wensheng, Liang Chunyu, Gao Yang, Qu Jining, was elected to the Board of Governors.

On behalf of the school party committee, Hu Xiaomei expressed congratulations to the establishment of European and American alumni association (Overseas-educated Scholars Association) of our university and the first elected president of the council. She also expressed thanks to the support and guidance from Shenyang European and American Alumni Association and Overseas-educated Scholars Association, extending cordial greetings to the returnees. She pointed out that in recent years, the party committee of the university has comprehensively implemented Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, deeply implemented the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on doing a good job of the party's united front work in the new era, firmly grasped the theme of great unity and great union and constantly consolidated the common ideological and political foundation with widely cohesive minds and gathering strength. The role of the united front has been effectively played.

Hu Xiaomei emphasized that in order to solidly implement the general secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the work of overseas educated personnel and important instructions and instructions back to the spirit of the letter, to meet the 110th anniversary of the founding of the European and American Alumni Association, the school party committee decided to set up the European and American Alumni Association of Shenyang Institute of Technology (Overseas-educated Scholars Association). Overseas-educated scholars are valuable assets of our university. Overseas-educated Scholars Association is the bridge and link between the party committee of the university and the returnees, the assistant of the party committee to do a good job of returnees, and the home of returnees of the whole university. It is hoped that all the scholars going abroad and returning to China will study and comprehend Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era seriously, insist on carrying forward the tradition of serving the country by studying abroad, insist on establishing moral values, and be the stalwart and propagator of patriotism. It is also hoped that the Association will give full play to the characteristics and advantages of mass, high intellectual capacity and united front, striving to become a talent bank for serving the country by studying abroad, a think-tank for advising and contributing to policy-making, and a forceful force for carrying out civil diplomacy, and unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era for casting the souls of the people and promoting the high-quality development of the university with a more energetic and vigorous state of mind to make greater contributions for the practice of solidly pushing forward the modernization of Liaoning in the Chinese style. The school will make a new and greater contribution to the practice of solidly promoting the Chinese-style modernization of Liaoning.

Yang Xiaopeng congratulated on the establishment of the European and American Alumni Association (Overseas-Educated Scholars Association) of Shenyang Institute of Technology, and spoke highly of the university Party Committee's attention to the returnees. She pointed out that Shenyang Institute of Technology is a high-level, application-oriented private university that actively conforms to the development trend of the times, and the Association is an important way for the school to attract high-end overseas talents. It is hoped that the European and American Alumni Association of Shenyang University of Technology (Overseas-Educated Scholars Association), with the purpose of uniting people and gathering strength, will take the celebration of the 110th anniversary of its founding as an important opportunity to hold high the banner, forge ahead bravely, and serve the country with determination. We should carry forward the spirit of studying abroad and serving the country in the new era, not forget the original intention, take advantage of the situation, and establish a strong sense of talent; Do a good job of unity, guidance and service, sincerely care for talents, love talents, and achieve talents, constantly enhancing the attractiveness, cohesion and influence of the Union. The majority of overseas-educated scholars will be united and led to focus on the center, serve the overall situation, play a role, contribute wisdom, and strive to build a strong country in the new journey of national rejuvenation and in the process of rapid development of the school to build a career and accomplish goals, making contributions to the revitalization and development of Liaoning and the realization of the various goals put forward by the party's twentieth national congress and continuing to write a new chapter for the cause of studying abroad to serve the motherland.

Xu Ying said in her speech that she would work with all members to study and implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), to care about "national affairs" and "national responsibility". Taking the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the European and American Alumni Association (EAA) as an important opportunity, we would vigorously carry forward the glorious tradition of studying abroad for benefiting the motherland and serving the people, create new excellence in the adherence to the moral education of the students and promotion of the scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and strive to be a good example of the cultural self-confidence and good telling of China's story, so as to contribute to the building of the best application-oriented university.

The inaugural meeting was chaired by Wu Qiong. Gao Chao, Party Secretary of Mechanical Engineering and Automation College, presided over the election. Zhao Wangsu, fourth-level researcher of Shenyang European and American Alumni Association (Overseas-educated Scholars Association), heads of party and departments of the university, heads of party organizations of all secondary units and all returned overseas scholars of the university attended the meeting.

Translated by Basic Course Department

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